WebiMax Blog

Google Disavow Tool Announced at Pubcon

Written by WebiMax Contributor | October 16, 2012

Matt Cutts, Google's head of webspam, announced at Pubcon that a new tool: Disavow Links within Webmaster Tools.

Google Webmaster Blog:

If you’ve ever been caught up in linkspam, you may have seen a message in Webmaster Tools about “unnatural links” pointing to your site. We send you this message when we see evidence of paid links, link exchanges, or other link schemes that violate our quality guidelines. If you get this message, we recommend that you remove from the web as many spammy or low-quality links to your site as possible. This is the best approach because it addresses the problem at the root. By removing the bad links directly, you’re helping to prevent Google (and other search engines) from taking action again in the future.


Link (Use the disavow tool with caution!): https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/disavow-links-main

In Webmaster Tools, select a site you control:


Google Disavow Tool Case Studies

SEOWizz.net recently posted some real examples of success stories using Google's new Disavow Tool: http://www.seowizz.net/2012/10/the-disavow-tool-works-real-sites-real-recoveries.html