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WebiMax Blog

Digital marketing tips and advice.

June 10, 2024

“Mobile utilization is only going to increase -- and people expect that experience to get even better over time,” Ken Wisnefski, founder of Internet marketer WebiMax, wrote in a report. “It is so important for businesses that want to be around in the next decade to start thinking in terms of mobile.”

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October 25, 2023

While not all websites need to engage SEO at a local level, many businesses rely wholly on the surrounding community, and the associated physical and electronic traffic.  In a technological environment where mobile usage is skyrocketing, empowered by innumerable GPS-driven applications, proper geographic listing, and engagement, is essential.   

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May 20, 2022

The recent revelation by SparkToro that roughly half of all President Joe Biden’s Twitter followers at the official @POTUS account are fake or inactive users, while approximately 14 million of the 34 million followers at the @JoeBiden account are also fake. Many people are asking, “how can this be?” but the notion of fake accounts is something that plagues all social media platforms.

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September 16, 2021

August 5, 2021

July 12, 2021

June 2, 2021

May 10, 2021

April 13, 2021

March 17, 2021

February 26, 2021

February 3, 2021

January 18, 2021

January 29, 2020

Why are reviews important?

According to Nielsen, 92% of consumers trust suggestions from friends and family more than advertising. Also, 88% of consumers trust online reviews from complete strangers as much as recommendations from people they know. Researching a business and its products is very easy to do, and so most people will take the time to vet a company before making a purchase. Simply put, positive reviews can drive sales.

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March 12, 2019

In a recent report by Clutch, a B2B research and reviews firm, WebiMax CEO Ken Wisnefski was featured as an expert source in public relations and online reputation management.

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January 17, 2019

For years, digital marketing aficionados have been deluged by blog posts espousing the mantra “content is king”. “In 2019, this may not be so much the case,” states Webimax CEO, Ken Kwisneski. “Over the past several years, content has become such a widely utilized commodity, the value for digital marketing campaigns may have been cheapened or weakened.”

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December 10, 2018

Public relations is an evolving industry, which has been dramatically affected by the advent of the digital age. Because the marketing, branding, and public relations industries act in conjunction with everyday events, agencies like us need to be on top of major news and trends in the PR industry and quick with all of our actions. Our clients know that having a PR firm that is prepared is essential.

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October 9, 2018

How much does your online reputation influence your prospects? Maybe more than you think. Recent studies indicate that 80% of today’s customers are influenced the information and reviews they find online. It’s important to realize that consumers heavily rely on the internet and social media to inform their buying decisions, and forward-thinking companies and individuals are taking steps to monitor and manage their online reviews.

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August 23, 2018

Google made a big announcement the other day stating they will now automatically verify users in Google Search Console with the ownership of a Google Analytics property. This is a game changer because so many more users will be presented with Google’s Search Console tool and gives more users a great tool to help them closer to a healthy website.

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July 31, 2018


Great news! We recently updated our SEO analysis tool to stay up to date with Google’s ever-changing algorithm. Our tool analyzes your website and provides you a score outlining what areas on your site are good and where improvement is needed. To top it off, it is still free!

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July 12, 2018

Facebook conversations have been BOOMING as of late. From the congressional hearings with CEO Mark Zuckerberg on their data scandal to the "trendy" TV ad campaign that most of you have probabably seen a number of times. All their recent exposure has caused the online social media company to make a lot of updates to their 2.2-billon user-based platform. Their updates are particularly targeted at getting their users to trust the platform once again and stop the spammers from abusing the platform.

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July 2, 2018

In the red corner, we have legacy media advertising. That’s right, the radio jingles, newspaper advertisements and TV commercials you remember from your youth. In the blue corner, we have social media marketing: user-specific ads, pay-per-click opportunities and targeted emails all reaching potential conversions. It almost goes without saying that digital marketers would expect the latter to come out on top. However, Facebook’s recent pummeling in the public square by members of Congress may have some wondering if this social media monolith is on the ropes.

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June 20, 2018

You’re probably familiar with Google’s knowledge panel. You know; that box that shows up at the top right of a search engine results page (SERP) giving you an overview of information related to the query you’re searching. Here, have a look:

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June 7, 2018

WebiMax is proud to announce our recent inclusion in Clutch’s annual press release! Clutch.co, a Washington, D.C. research, rating, and reviews firm, has identified their top picks across a number of segments in the Philadelphia metro region.

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May 31, 2018

WebiMax Founder & CEO, Ken Wisnefski's appearance on NBC10 Philadelphia

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May 30, 2018

Did you learn a new digital marketing tactic today?  Generally speaking, it’s likely to be useful but is it helpful for your brand right now or at all?  More importantly, are emerging SEO implementations fueled by interests in rankings or conversions?  In many cases, you need increased exposure to secure better conversions. However are paths to better conversions fueled by insights from SEO's or consumers? Or is it both?

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May 22, 2018

We at WebiMax are proudly celebrating our 10th anniversary now in 2018. Over the last decade, WebiMax has grown to become one of the top online marketing companies in the United States.

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May 11, 2018

It’s 2018, and by now if you own a business you’ve probably been told at one time or another about the increasing presence of digital marketing and its importance in growing a brand or company.

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May 2, 2018

Thursday, April 26th was not a typical day here at the WebiMax office. WebiMax, like other employers across the country, celebrated "Take Our Daughters And Sons to Work Day." Host to 25 kids, WebiMax made it a great day filled with fun, learning, and laughter.  All the kids got to see where the adults spend their weekdays and what their typical day looks like in the office.

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April 27, 2018

Whenever I find myself struggling to come up with a good topic to write about, I go back to the movie Adaptation. Now, Charlie Kaufman is a writer who understands the plight writers, designers, and other creative people face when they have run out of ideas. He experienced such an extreme form of writer’s block trying to adapt to a movie about orchids, he eventually wrote a movie about writing the movie about orchids. He gave himself a twin brother for comedic relief, added a few chase scenes, and turned it into something very different from where he started.

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Need an Expert Contributor?

Ken Wisnefski is a seasoned web entrepreneur and a frequent contributor to news outlets and business publications. Ken’s vast knowledge of how to make online businesses succeed has made him a sought after consultant from businesses wishing to improve their online initiatives. Contact pr@webimax.com to collaborate!


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