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WebiMax Blog

Digital marketing tips and advice.

July 31, 2012

For Kenneth Wisnefski, founder and CEO of internet marketing company WebiMax, the story marks a seminal moment in the growth of Twitter from a startup into a six-year-old company.  "They've become more of a 'business,' whereas a year ago they might have looked at things a little bit differently," said Wisnefski.  Read more

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July 31, 2012

Are you in the market for search engine optimization services?  Have you come to realize providers are not created equally?  The industry is not officially regulated.  That makes for interesting interactions with the good, bad, and ugly companies.  It's hard to make a distinction when every provider states their services are the best.

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July 31, 2012

Each year, more businesses are adopting social media marketing strategies to enhance their traditional, offline marketing efforts.  The overall reach of social networks is impressive, with the combined user base of Facebook, Twitter and Google+ accounting for about 1/7 of the world's entire population.  However, the vast scope of social media has left some business owners concerned about being "lost in the shuffle" and struggling to attain discernable visibility.

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July 31, 2012

Some of you may have been following the ongoing debacle regarding journalist Guy Adams (of The Independent), NBC, the London Olympics and Twitter. For those of you who haven't been keeping up with the latest news, the story basically boils down to a series of events that ultimately ended with a well-known and outspoken journalist being banned from Twitter due to requests from NBC.

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July 30, 2012

Todd Bailey, SEO expert at WebiMax claims that “Google search is now releasing over 50 updates each month to their search engine, disrupting any consistency of guidelines and punishing small businesses that lack the resources to respond.”  Read more

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July 30, 2012

This is the first edition of a new feature on the Optimized Times. We will be looking back at some of the posts related to search and SEO from the previous week, and pointing out some of the ones that we find interesting.

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July 27, 2012

It's impossible to read the latest news in our industry without noticing the tone of immediate concern that so many others have. Ever since the more recent Panda updates started taking a significant toll on SERPs linked with popular trending keywords, everyone has been pointing at Google and blaming the company for the increasingly poor performance of their websites. Add to this the shakeup with Penguin and company's ongoing silence regarding its algorithm and it's easy to see why so many well-known voices in the SEO community are up in arms.

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July 27, 2012

The social gaming company, Zynga, is facing serious financial difficulties.  Yesterday, the company reported losses in the second quarter of 2012 and the subsequent stock devaluation saw shares drop by 39% to just $3.09.  These figures indicate a decrease of almost 70% from Zynga's initial public offering in December.

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July 27, 2012

“People used to take days off from work in the summer to watch the Olympics,” said Kenneth C. Wisnefski, founder and chief executive of Internet marketing company Webimax. No longer. Wisnefski expects to see a drop in midday TV ratings because people will check their Facebook and Twitter accounts for real-time updates while on the go.  Read more

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July 27, 2012

“We simply have never seen such comprehensive engagement as this,” states Kenneth Wisnefski, social media expert and Founder/CEO of WebiMax. “Social media, and Twitter specifically, is driving an unprecedented, real-time, and interconnected experience that improves spectatorship and promotes the Olympic brand – the pinnacle being the London Eye Twitter Positivity Lightshow.  Read more

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July 27, 2012

Google continues to roll out new offerings with their primary product: search. Moving into the mobile market, the social space, and other areas, Google has constantly been trying their hand at new functions, growing their reach and relevance, and for their sake, an ever-increasing user-base that enjoys what they offer.

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July 27, 2012

Social media campaigns have become an essential part of most businesses' internet marketing strategies. When used properly, social media can be a cost effective way to get your message out there. By providing links to your best content, your followers and friends will (with any luck) share that content to their respective networks. See your name spread for relatively little expense. Think of it as crowdsourced advertising, in a way.

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July 26, 2012

Facebook announced their Q2 earnings this evening at 5:00pm, New York time, via conference call with shareholders.  The social media firm was expected to announce earnings of $0.12 per share on revenues of $1.16 billion.  Facebook announced earnings of $0.12 per share on revenues of $1.18 billion which was in-line with analysts’ expectations, however their stock price is down more than 11 percent in after-hours trading.

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July 26, 2012

You just launched a new site, began a new business venture.  You're confident in your product/service.  That's taken care of.  What's not is your brand's level of traffic and customer intrigue.  Something has to be done about that.  You've heard about the benefits of online marketing tactics, such as SEO and PPC (pay-per-click) services.  You're very interested, but would like to learn more.  Here's your chance.

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July 26, 2012

How can parents stay one social medium ahead of their kids? Todd Bailey, vice president of marketing and digital strategy at WebiMax, talks with Alisa Parenti in Money, Markets and More.  Listen to the Live interview here

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July 26, 2012

Kenneth Wisnefski catches up with Mark Crumpton on his daily show “The Bottom Line” to discuss Facebook’s Q2 report and gives insight as to the remainder of 2012 looks like for the social media company.  Watch the Live interview here

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July 26, 2012

Link building strategies have come a long way since the early days of SEO and search algorithm updates such as Google's Panda and Penguin have made the process even more complex.  Formerly, link profiles existed merely to bolster the authority of pages within the SERPs.  However, the quality of those backlinks was not deemed to be nearly as important as quantity.  As the search engines have improved their functionality, quality and relevance have become crucial and certain link building strategies have been rendered obsolete.

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July 26, 2012

Amid the controversy of Facebook’s IPO several months ago, there has been considerable debate on not just the viability of advertising on Facebook, but doing so across social media platforms. The potential was always there, but its sustainability for generating revenue over the long-term has yet to be fully proven.

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July 26, 2012

If you're a website owner who's noticed your site's standings in the Google SERPs have dropped in the last 48 hours, then you'll likely already know who (or what) is to blame for it. Back on Tuesday, Google ran a data refresh for Panda which, according to the company's predictions, affected around 1% of its total index pages. In the time since the update, several notable SEO news networks have reported on the issue and begun asking the community about the extent of the damage.

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July 26, 2012

For those of you who may have missed my recent appearance on FOX News to discuss Penn State's reputation management issues, I mentioned the value of social media and its role in their online identity.  In social media, in the SERPs and in the press, PSU faces a challenging road to re-establishing their brand.  While Penn State's focus at present may be short-term, their reputation crisis is not.  Reputation management should be thought of an ongoing investment that requires consistent monitoring and maintenance.

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July 26, 2012

Over the years mobile communication has drastically changed. What started as a simple hand-held mobile phone that offered a limited amount of time to talk, but the ability to be used wherever, has significantly expanded in functionality and design. Today, with their small, compact size and various technologies and features, cell phones have not only captured the interest of people everywhere, but have become an integrated part of the lives of many.  From texting to sending emails, browsing the internet to playing games, people have become heavily dependent on cell phones.

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July 24, 2012

With the torch just days from being lit, the Internet is ablaze with conversation: Is London really the first "social media games?" Are the IOC's social media policies too restrictive? Will Michael Phelps eclipse the career medal record?

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July 24, 2012

Kenneth Wisnefski speaks with former N.Y. Governor David Patterson on the Penn State child abuse allegations.  Wisnefski digs deep in to the implications on the University and discusses their options from a reputation management stand point.  Listen to the Live interview here

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July 24, 2012

Kenneth Wisnefski discusses with ESPN Radio the implications on Penn State and their reputation going forward.  Listen to the Live interview here

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July 24, 2012

MOUNT LAUREL, NJ -- (July 24, 2012) – The egregious developments that have been unfolding in the Penn State scandal have all in society watching in great sympathy for the victims of the cases, but alongside these individuals and their struggle, is the fight for all those not responsible at the university that are now charged with rebuilding the school’s reputation as a quality institution.  Kenneth Wisnefski, founder and CEO of WebiMax announced “there is a dynamic shift in the way a brand-reputation is more susceptible in the digital world”, and furthermore declares “crisis communications techniques have made major strides in becoming a digital format.”

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July 24, 2012

On September 26, 1960, millions of Americans across the nation turned on their television to watch the first-ever televised presidential debate between Senator John Kenny and Vice President Richard Nixon. The presidential candidates held four debates, in which each debate concentrated on different issues and the candidates provided their views on the issues and their solution. Referred to today as the "Great Debate," the televised debate significantly impacted American voters, influencing their opinion of the presidential candidates.

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July 23, 2012

Todd Bailey, Vice President of Marketing and Digital Strategy at WebiMax discusses the important steps that needs to be taken by Penn State University in wake of the child abuse allegations.  Watch the Live interview here

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July 23, 2012

“Sometimes businesses become one-dimensional. If they start to fall behind in one core area of their work, they lack the support beams to continue their success and hedge against challenges in other areas,” says Kenneth C. Wisnefski, founder and CEO of WebiMax.com, an Internet marketing company. It’s an important lesson for entrepreneurs and business owners.  Read more

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July 23, 2012

Marissa Mayer has been a larger player at Google through her 13 years there. She was the 20th employee and has held different positions on her way to the top, from designer and engineer to product manager and VP of various projects. She has a focus on end-user design for various products and platforms, and that is being touted as her best strength and leading benefit for Yahoo in bringing her in to lead the company. There is growing sentiment that Mayer might just be the right person to not only navigate a struggling Yahoo but bring the right vision and guidance that could position Yahoo well within the changing landscape of the web, social, and mobile sectors.

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July 20, 2012

The United States Supreme Court largely upheld the Affordable Care Act in a 5 to 4 decision, marking a major victory for the Obama administration and greatly impacting small businesses.  Kenneth Wisnefski discusses the impact of the Affordable Care Act on small businesses.  Read more

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July 20, 2012

Customer satisfaction has always been important regardless of product or service type, and even industry. We all instinctively know this, experience it as consumers ourselves, and try to deliver it for our own customers if applicable in your line of work. Now, it is a unique exercise in addressing customer satisfaction for social networking platforms because they are still very fresh and evolving in relation to what their purpose is and how consumers actually used them.

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July 19, 2012

In recent months, Yahoo has endured major financial struggles and the company is currently undergoing restructuring efforts to streamline their business and return to profitability.  While many experts have offered their opinions on Yahoo's recovery attempts, the brand has yet to see any substantial improvement.  Of course, re-inventing the business model of an international, multi-million dollar corporation is not a rapid process.

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July 19, 2012

We know the Houston area is receptive, given the success of Yao Ming. In addition, the inroads that were developed with Yao Ming in the international Asian market can carry over and impact Jeremy Lin’s brand recognition.  Read more

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July 19, 2012

Nowadays that’s a big aspect, when marketers can look to some kind of metric to understand how beloved someone is by the public,” says Kenneth Wisnefski, a brand strategist and CEO of the Internet marketing company WebiMax.  Read more

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July 19, 2012

Lin’s transition from New York to Houston will likely eliminate the ‘feel good story’ he projected now that he is set to make $25 million over the next 3 years,' Wisnefski says. 'The end of the short-lived Jeremy Lin era in New York will likely bring an end to “Linsanity” and impacts his brand.  Kenneth Wisnefski discusses the impact on Lin’s brand.  Read more

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July 19, 2012

Today, I was sitting at my desk when I received a phone call from a "Blocked" number during my lunch break. Reluctantly, I answered it.

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July 19, 2012

Twitter is instantaneous, it is engaging, it is fun…and organizations across sectors continue to find new and interesting ways to use it for all different kinds of purposes. From promotion to personal customer engagement, Twitter has become an essential tool, and we have written to great length about this development here on the blog.

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July 19, 2012

Here's a hypothetical situation for you, small business owner/independent contractor. You've recently opened shop. Your ecommerce site is up and functioning. You're ready to start writing freelance articles for all the big players in your industry. The next thing you do is sign up for accounts with Twitter, Facebook, and Google +.

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July 19, 2012

Saying that the internet is a big place is among the greatest understatements anyone can make. In our modern web-centric age, everyone is connected to each other and industries appear to grow overnight. Regardless of the service or product a business may offer, there's always going to be a number of other organizations out there getting in a company's way. When Google or Bing searches for an industry term bring back page after page of results of competitors, it's clearly time to begin reexamining your online marketing strategy.

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July 18, 2012

Terms such as "domain authority" and "page authority" are part of the everyday vernacular in the Internet marketing industry, but what do they mean for online business owners?  As it pertains to visibility on the Web and greater revenue, they mean a lot.

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July 18, 2012

Kenneth Wisnefski is the brand strategist and Founder/CEO of WebiMax, an international Internet marketing company. He thinks “the second phase of the Lin brand, moving beyond the feel-good and overnight-sensation notion,” should prove highly lucrative, never mind his change of address.  Read more

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July 18, 2012

Kenneth Wisnefski, brand strategist and founder / CEO of WebiMax, noted that part of Lin’s charm was the backstory of a Harvard grad who was unwanted in the NBA and living on a teammate’s couch – then finding instant success.  Read more

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July 18, 2012

Playing with a big contract in a smaller market, one with approximately one-eighth of New York’s Asian population, Lin carries the burden of expected stardom in a new town.  In New York the marketability (for an average Lin) would still be there because of all the media attention.  Read more

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July 18, 2012

Image of Gene Simmons from KissThis is my first blog post for WebiMax and I'd hate to start things off on the wrong foot. So, first and foremost, I'd like to apologize for misleading any Gene Simmons fans.  As much as I'd love to tie The Demon and Starchild to SEO, I think I'll save that for a later date.

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July 17, 2012

Since the launch of Google Search Plus Your World back in January, there have been continuous shifts and developments in the world of search and how social accounts, profiles, and posts appear in the SERPs of major search engines. Google indicated Google+ would be profiled more in the search results for logged-in users and Bing announced several months ago that social media, with a particular focus on Facebook, would be in integrated into their algorithm and show in their SERPs to offer a social dimension to web queries.

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July 17, 2012

This fall, Microsoft and Google are set to release revolutionary new tablet PC devices which are expected to make a significant impact on the growing market.  The Nexus 7 from Google and Microsoft's Surface both look to be promising new offerings, but recent rumors of a new iPad may indicate an even more impressive tablet is on the way.

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July 16, 2012

Less than 2 months after Facebook’s botched IPO, the social media titan seems to “want” to make a comeback and win over investors once again.  The company is developing a “want” button, aimed at creating a virtual wish-list for their 900+ million users.  Additionally, General Motors, who ended their Facebook paid advertising campaign due to unimpressive results, is in talks to resume their paid advertising campaign worth a reported $10 million annually.

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July 16, 2012

Online shopping has been rolling along in Europe like in the US and much of the rest of the world, both in emerging and developed markets. This is a trend that is showing no signs of slowing down despite still a shaky economic state around the globe and especially in Europe. A consistent bright spot though has been the growth of ecommerce and now with predictions out from Forrester, mobile commerce (or mCommerce) looks to be headed for steady growth as part of that sector as well.

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July 13, 2012

A recently granted Google patent provides a peek at how the search engine addresses some of the problems it might have as a business, a site owner, and an information provider.

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July 12, 2012

What do Google, Microsoft and Apple have in common?  A lot, actually; and following their respective developer conferences earlier this summer, several new commonalities have been revealed.  We now know that new tablet devices are being developed by Google and Microsoft and that Google and Apple are both looking to capitalize on their mapping software.  We've also learned that iOS 6, Windows 8 and Android 4.1 are going to incorporate more Internet and social media functionality than any previous operating systems.  This enhanced focus on social connectivity will undoubtedly be an important component of these new systems, but its impact on Internet marketing may be even greater.

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July 12, 2012

The United States Supreme Court largely upheld the Affordable Care Act in a 5 to 4 decision.  The bill marks a major victory for the Obama administration and will have a major impact on small business owners that own and operate U.S. based companies.

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July 12, 2012

Google HomepageDespite any snide comments that Google's critics may have as of late, it's clear that the company's role in the search engine market remains unchallenged. With the Google glasses project only a few months away from going public (at least in a beta state) and the company's cloud-based storage system now available for all users, the world's most popular search engine company has managed to keep its momentum in light of any past missteps. At this point, the only remotely serious competition that the company faces is through Microsoft and its Bing search engine.

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July 12, 2012

E-Commerce continues to surge, even in an economy that although showing signs of a return has not accelerated and people remain concerned about their spending. The viability of e-commerce globally over the past two years especially in the US and across Europe though, two regions that have been hit hard by the recession, shows its value and promise for the future.

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July 11, 2012

Google+Google's ongoing efforts to push its social network's exposure simply cannot be ignored. After having updated its Google+ Android app last month, the networks' mobile users were treated to flashy new animations and larger displays for profile images. At that time, Google also announced that an update for the iOS version of Google+ was already in the works and would arrive with some additional functionality.

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July 10, 2012

On June 20th, the Philadelphia Business Journal celebrated their 30th anniversary with an event benefitting the Philabundance hunger relief organization.  Besides WebiMax's own Todd Bailey, attendees included former Pennsylvania Governor, Ed Rendell and former District Attorney, Lynne Abraham.

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July 9, 2012

Thousands worried that they would lose Internet access after the Federal Bureau of Investigation pulled the plug Monday on a safety net set up to keep machines infected with a widespread virus online.  Kenneth Wisnefski discusses online security.  Read more

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July 6, 2012

Ask any small business owner what their greatest challenge is online and the answer will almost always be: Visibility.  Small companies often face this issue, as they do not have the well-established branding of large corporations nor do they possess national or global visibility offline.

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July 5, 2012

On Friday, Google wrapped up its annual I/O Developer Conference in San Francisco. From the latest Android update to the announcement of the Nexus 7 tablet, the company revealed many of its upcoming offerings to a largely positive reaction from those in attendance. Now that I/O has come to an end, the Internet is abuzz with Google-related news and the impact of the conference looks to be significant to Google users as well as the entire SEO community.

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July 3, 2012

Kenneth Wisnefski reviews some popular beach items and discusses their viability in today’s market.  Read more

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Need an Expert Contributor?

Ken Wisnefski is a seasoned web entrepreneur and a frequent contributor to news outlets and business publications. Ken’s vast knowledge of how to make online businesses succeed has made him a sought after consultant from businesses wishing to improve their online initiatives. Contact pr@webimax.com to collaborate!


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