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WebiMax Blog

Digital marketing tips and advice.

January 31, 2012

Do you have something to add to the conversation, or just calling attention?  I would address high school students in this manner who were temporarily 'off task' during class.  High school students are socially savvy; most got the point and understood the difference elucidated by my question; were they serving the good of the community or engaging in personal endeavors at the moment?

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January 31, 2012

We've written about the rise of mobile and what it means for internet marketing a good bit in recent weeks, and specific ally touched on how paid search performed over the holiday shopping period. Also important is the explosion of mobile across the globe and the international SEO implications that follow. An intriguing element to mobile's growth is tracking its impact on specific international markets and how it is changing the internet in those countries.

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January 31, 2012

Some aspects of marketing seem intuitive, yet after time passes, the reality of data collection sets in. Such is the apparent case regarding the donations-through-text process. An online post revisits the altruistic sentiments relayed by those who donated to Haiti after the destructive earthquake of two years ago.  Read more

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January 31, 2012

Twitter announced changes in its privacy policies, which immediately raised concerns for freedom activists in addition to writers and reporters in other lands, who feel their ability to share stories, some that may be seen as ‘controversial’ by respective governments and authority figures, will be limited. The reaction comes at a sensitive time for most who want to maintain online freedoms, only a week after the wake of the recent SOPA/PIPA debacles.  Read more

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January 30, 2012

I read an entertaining article this morning regarding public relations work.  A PR professional listed thirteen ominous mentions, which sound cacophonic bells and whistles off within a service provider's head.  Is your business currently receiving public relations services or working with an in-house professional?  Are you resounding some of the same sentiments mentioned in the article?  Is your campaign a bleak, dramatic picture of what it's supposed to be, leaving participants in a state of mystery?  Let's explore some things mentioned in the article and better your understanding of what is and isn't under a PR pros control.

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January 27, 2012

Remember Bo Jackson?  I sure do; I ripped through his Bo Knows biography with the fervor of a twelve-year-old kid, mesmerized by a titan of a multi-dimensional athlete.  Along with popular trends of the day, such as French-rolled jeans and Umbro shorts, I was into the 'Bo knows' commercials and campaign.

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January 26, 2012

MOUNT LAUREL, NJ -- (Jan. 26, 2012) - Kenneth Wisnefski, founder, and CEO of WebiMax announced the company launched an extensive SEO Reseller Strategic Partnership Program.  Officially launched at the beginning of 2012, the partnership program is aimed at providing search engine optimization services to advertising agencies that lack this avenue. In addition, Wisnefski announced sales veteran Stan Evans as Director of Strategic Partnerships, and head of the program.

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January 26, 2012

Could you believe a student tried pulling that on me once!?  As if a little wit would tickle my funny bone, excusing him of his in-class trespasses.  I'm a sucker for wit; it did; I let him go.

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January 26, 2012

WebiMax founder and CEO Ken Wisnefski announced the company now offers an extensive SEO Reseller Strategic Partnership Program. Headed by Stan Evans, this program gives other agencies the ability to offer a full suite of SEO services to their clients, while earning residual revenue.  Read more

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January 25, 2012


January 25, 2012

TORONTO, ONTARIO – (Jan. 25, 2012) - Kenneth C. Wisnefski, founder and CEO of WebiMax, the U.S. based leader in search engine optimization, announced the company is an exhibitor at Canada’s Dx3 Digital Trade Show taking place on January 25-26, 2012.  In addition, WebiMax’s Vice President of Digital Strategy, Todd Bailey,presented on search engine optimization during today's Day 1 sessions.

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January 24, 2012

I enjoy reading, writing, and increasing knowledge on a number of SEO and online marketing topics, but I especially enjoy the topics of branding and reputation management.  I would say the former relates to creating associations to your brand (and its elements: Web pages, executives, products, etc) while the latter focuses on your business' 'personality,' personifying a reputable "professional."  I think branding and rep management are highly important regarding consumer relations.

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January 24, 2012


January 24, 2012


January 23, 2012

MOUNT LAUREL, NJ -- (Jan. 23, 2012) - Kenneth C. Wisnefski, founder and CEO of WebiMax, announced that the company has launched an enhanced strategic SEO Reseller partnership program, heavily focused on the white label resale of its award winning services.  The program is designed to help the partner grow and generate more residual revenue by offering search engine optimization services to their clients either through private label initiatives or direct referrals.

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January 20, 2012

Being able to target users by OS (Operating System) is one of the many new features recently launched within AdWords and allows marketers to control their mobile advertising dollars.  As mobile commerce comes to the forefront this as well as many of the new updates will assist advertisers in focusing on the proper devices and users.

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January 20, 2012

Although this update doesn't yet bear a name (like the infamous Panda update), it may be just as important. Matt Cutts, the head of the Google Webspam team, explained the page layout update on Google's Inside Search blog on January 19 as a response to "complaints from users that if they click on a result and it’s difficult to find the actual content, they aren’t happy with the experience." True story, Matt! Nothing new here, as Google has always been committed to delivering high quality, relevant results, according to Cutts.

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January 20, 2012

In the end, Wednesday's SOPA blackout impacted some more than others, but the point that was trying to be made was indeed heard both online and in mainstream media. Opinions of the proposed legislation run the full spectrum and many high profile figures and news outlets have emerged with a particular stance. The proposed bill would impact different people to varying degrees, but everyone that is online has a vested interest in the issue, from bloggers and musicians to SEO firms and marketing consultants.

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January 19, 2012

All over the world, developers are looking for the "next big thing" in search engine optimization techniques.  Some SEO companies have developed successful strategies for their clients by keeping up with innovations in the industry and creating customized plans from the ground up.  However, with so many emerging technologies evolving so rapidly, it's hard to know where the future of SEO lies.

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January 19, 2012

At the f8 conference back in September, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the addition of Timeline and Open Graph.  These new tools let users tell their story though a newly designed homepage.  It also allows users to tell a story through the applications they use.  Yesterday, Facebook launched the beginning of a new type of apps that lets the user give a more detailed and precise indication of how they interact on Facebook.  Facebook Actions are an enhancement to “like” and “listen” buttons, and lets users use other Action words, for example “want” and “own”.

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January 19, 2012

I used to write for a business-to-business outfit, providing content on an array of services.  Naturally, marketing (on and offline) were amongst the provided services.  I recently came across an article penned years ago on customer retention.  I think it has "evergreen" sentiments, and though today's offered online marketing company initiatives are prolific, culminating in SEO, SMO, PPC and other opportunities, I don’t think such processes always "work" as expected (by some SEO and online marketing clients).  Some may inquire, "Why?  Aren't you people supposed to get me more exposure and revenue!?"

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January 18, 2012

It is well-documented that mobile search is on the rise in the US and globally, but the numbers may surprise you. This past holiday shopping season saw increases across the board in terms of online shopping traffic and spending from mobile devices (i.e., smartphones and tablets). All signs point to the mobile web continuing to grow as smartphone and tablet adoption rates continue to climb and shoppers become more comfortable using their devices to search products and make purchases.

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January 18, 2012

China's online potential has been mounting for some time, but in recent years it has been fully realized. Much has been written about China's censorship of the internet, and the implications that it has on companies trying to operate in the country, and more recently, experts have been noticing a potential repositioning by Google on their China stance. All this is relevant because of the tremendous potential of the internet in the country. Thus, it is worth then taking a closer look and letting the potential for international SEO and other online marketing services in the country sink in.

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January 18, 2012

Taking traditional advertising and marketing communications and putting them online, the experience inherently changes. Differences in the ways marketers engage with customers online can immediately be seen in the combination of media used and the increased interactive ability of the available platforms. Further, the content continues to stand as the core of the marketing and is altered by advertising and SEO experts for maximum impact.

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January 18, 2012

Today marks a monumental event in the evolution of the free-internet threatening bills also known as SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protest IP Act), as major sites including Wikipedia and Google take their stand.

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January 18, 2012

I recently scheduled a visit to the eye doctor; I can't see two feet beyond without corrective lenses but I behold some insight regarding human nature and "customer" service.  I sought the services of the eye doctor because I had a need, yet the service provider exhibited horrific customer service, "misplacing" my records, making me wait over forty-five minutes (I arrived ten minutes before my scheduled appt) then wait another fifteen minutes in an inner-office room (the second waiting room), ultimately offering no sentiment of apology or recognition of the value of my time and as a patient (consumer), as if I was inextricably under the mercy of my circumstances.  I'm not; I changed doctors after my experience.

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January 17, 2012

Nonprofit organizations rely heavily on donations, and online giving has been steadily on the rise in recent years, and still trending upward according to the latest figures available from Blackbaud Index. Online giving rose by over 10% in both of the 3 month periods ending in September and October 2011, in comparison to the same time-frame in 2010. Thus, online giving is beginning to demand more attention from nonprofit leaders, and it is only picking up steam.

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January 17, 2012

January 17, 2012

Yesterday, I urged you to snippet good.  Today, I want you to realize the potential of abuse; try to detect and neglect it.  Not too long ago, great posts on improved snippets and implementing them using Schema.org were posted.  Perhaps many Web masters took heed, realizing it was not very difficult to implement rich ones, using a variety of available formats.  Google encourages the use of rich snippets, as they aid browsers in securing desired information.

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January 16, 2012

The situation is well reported now. This past Friday, Mocality, an online Kenyan business directory, issued weighty allegations that Google scraped their database of businesses and attempted to sell their competing "Getting Kenyan Businesses Online" program to those companies they found while also claiming to be Mocality partners. Mocality founder, Stefan Magdalinski , alleged this poaching of customers and false claims of partnership in a blog post on Friday that immediately received attention across the web.

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January 16, 2012

Do you host a large site, one with a multitude of products and services?  Are you a review provider?  Is yours a business-to-business site, offering listings to a host of vendors?  If so, it's likely there are many pages within your Web site.  That's great news, inviting more opportunities for commerce.  However, you want to ensure each page is getting deserved attention.

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January 16, 2012


January 16, 2012

Kenneth C. Wisnefski, founder and CEO of WebiMax is pleased to announce that the company has entered in to a strategic partnership with AspDotNetStorefront, a leading e-commerce shopping cart platform.

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January 16, 2012

The entire SEO community, along with everyone else on the Internet, has been awaiting the outcome of the Protect-IP and SOPA situation.  The controversial nature of the two bills have sparked debate that has been ongoing since their proposal and both opponents and supporters continue to wait until the final decision is made to either veto them or pass them into law.  In the meantime, any news regarding either Protect-IP or SOPA instantly becomes a hot topic amongst developers and the most recent word on Protect-IP could change one very important aspect of the proposed act.

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January 13, 2012

The use of mobile phones, and by extension, the use of mobile internet is on the rise globally. International SEO experts are recognizing the increased potential for optimization in new markets with the rapid expansion of the mobile web. More and more people are using their smartphones to surf the web, and thus creating more of a need for optimized content on companies' mobile and standard websites. New research offers insight into mobile internet use across 30 different countries, and I'll touch on the highlights for Asia, a region we haven't discussed much as of late.

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January 13, 2012

Should my brand be using Google+?  That is a question posed to many SEO and online marketing professionals by business owners who are novices to online practices.  Coincidentally, I read a post this morning, calling social's benefit to business into question.  Google's social media platform is still very young; the passing of time will help us better assess its true value, but immediately, considering the platform allows for brand pages, it's another source for online marketing in the least. 

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January 12, 2012

A new opportunity for SEO developers may be emerging through Foursquare.  The company has made some changes lately as part of their redesigned website and the all-new "Explore" function has potential to benefit advertisers, marketers and users alike.

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January 12, 2012

Some people, outside of the online industry, shun particular gadgets and platforms, whether it's due to a technologically-inept understanding or a refusal to partake, to keep "private" matters private.  One can unabashedly share information (information ultimately available to whom?) or try to maintain a modicum of privacy in an age where people use the Internet as a canvas to illustrate everyday thoughts, emotions, plans, actions, etc.

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January 12, 2012

Are you on team Edward or team Jacob?  Oops wrong drama; I meant, are you on team Google or team Twitter?  I'm on team "user experience" myself; I always had to blaze my own trails.  If you have been vacationing on Mars the last few days, there's been some talk in the SEO world regarding Google's modification to its Google+ social platform.  There's no need to reiterate a multitude of Google+/Twitter information you can read on the topic popping up here, there, and everywhere on the Web.  What I would like to call attention to is my disappointment as a user.

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January 12, 2012

Low-cost high-speed internet is a recent development in France as communications company Iliad popularized the service through their cost-effective packages making inexpensive broadband a reality for many. Iliad has their eyes set on doing the same thing again, only now for the mobile industry. The new service, called Free, centers on a €19.99 plan that includes unlimited domestic and international calling, text messages, and data.

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January 11, 2012

One of your new, enthusiastic SEO clients, especially one who owns a local business, searches Google for one of his keywords only to see one of his pages ranking very well. Only a week into his campaign, he frantically calls his project manager to relay the awesome news only to learn the truth: his search results are just that, his.

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January 11, 2012

In recent months, Google has been running a series on their blog relating to search improvements they make every month. The latest installment carries 30 improvements, from more rich snippets to better spam detection with Image Search. Todd touched on several of the updates, particularly the "Megasitelinks" improvement, how it delivers more relevant sitelinks based on location, and how that impacts SEO in his post on Monday. Here I want to touch on the improvements that have further location-specific implications and are international in nature thus having significant international SEO implications that are important for developers to be aware of.

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January 11, 2012

Google, Google, Google!  Are you trying to dominate the SERPs on such major search engines as...well, Google?!  There's been a lot of talk about the brand lately.  Buying links, being unfriendly to Twitter, hiding owner reviews…despite best intentions, some brand behaviors have been weighed and measured…

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January 10, 2012

It's been an interesting season for online marketing and the search engine optimization industry.  As SEO practitioners closely follow the evolution of search, it’s becoming more apparent personal trends and social media engagement are making way into the SERPs.  Google, the most coveted of SEs, suffered a blow to its ego in 2010, a year Facebook received more visitors.  2011 stats read a bit differently, yet at this point, Google can't ignore the sight of Facebook.  Perhaps G knew it was time to engineer a "move."  Google did move into the social media stratosphere, offering Google+, its own social service, but now it's a lot more…

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January 10, 2012

Following yesterday's post, I continue today discussing the specifics of Forrester Research's recent study on the difference in social media use throughout the world. As we'll see there are very real implications for international SEO and marketing efforts as a whole. I'll present information reported by Forrester according to the three main takeaway points outlined yesterday.

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January 9, 2012

The news of Google's self-penalization for violating their own TOS has been making headlines both in and outside the SEO community, but despite the negative press the search engine giant has generated on its own behalf, there is good news on the horizon for Google.

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January 9, 2012

I read a good post today related to clients and their respective search engine optimization providers.  The author raises a good point, pointing focus to a sometimes-divide in understanding taking place between clients and SEO providers, especially regarding "results."  Both parties have responsibilities to foster understanding.  Providers must illustrate the usefulness and effectiveness of services and clients must clearly relay expectations and areas of need.  Of course, it's an ongoing process; regular communication is always paramount in any kind of marketing campaign. 

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January 9, 2012

Social media is both a domestic and intercultural phenomena as individuals not only communicate with others from within their same borders but with those from other countries as well. The fact that the reach of social media platforms extends throughout the entire world is one of its greatest leverage points. Internet users in North America only make up a fraction (13%) of the total users online throughout the world. As a result, there is much more web landscape beyond our borders than within, and the more in tune with what is happening in these markets, the better off companies will be.

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January 8, 2012

Get the Most out of Social MediaIf you’re currently executing an online marketing strategy to get the word out about your business, you’ve probably signed up for a Facebook or Twitter account in order to increase your reach. You’ve no doubt heard from many different sources that you absolutely must have a social media presence these days in order to reach potential customers. And while having a Facebook page and a Twitter account is certainly recommended, it takes a little know-how in order to run an effective social media campaign.

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January 6, 2012

We don't hear too much about Web 2.0 anymore, so are we in a post-Web 2.0 era then? Well, it never really went away, only infused its principles and characteristics into the everyday functioning of the internet. Privileging participation and information-sharing, Web 2.0 proclaimed that users are the drivers, creating the content and directing the online landscape.

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January 6, 2012

A lot of major brands are making noise of late.  Facebook is expected to release its IPO.  Go Daddy changed company heads and its mind.  Google penalized itself.  Now, Yahoo has made a new pal, Scott Thompson, the president of PayPal, as its chief executive.

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January 5, 2012

At the core of any SEO campaign, there are keyword analyses that produce a firm understanding of the terms that all efforts are geared around. This is essential and always completed early in campaigns usually after client identity and objectives have been established. This process, however, takes on a whole new look, and degree of relevance, when dealing with international SEO. As companies continually expand their presence into new markets internationally, they encounter a whole host of new challenges getting across their message.

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January 5, 2012

I read a good post the other day presenting a copywriting sentiment; great content does not guarantee links and exposure.  It doesn't, unfortunately, despite the time, energy, and hopes of some scribers.  But, solid content is still solid content; there's use for it.  Content production facilitates search engine optimization campaign successes, but you can do more with your information.  If you are a currently discontent with your content, consider composing a strategic plan of attack regarding ongoing production.

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January 4, 2012

Search engine optimization and overall online marketing create exposure for your brand.  As online opportunities increase, savvy brands make appropriate decisions and implementations.  For instance, if this was five to ten years ago, I would be unwaveringly blogging, beseeching EVERY business owner to develop a Web site.  That sentiment is old news; (I hope your brand has the main site!) today, I am passionately asking business owners to consider orchestrating mobile Web sites.

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January 3, 2012

Do you think Facebook and Google+ would befriend one another on social sites? Google does a lot of things well; its search engine and paid ad platform are obvious examples. Google has enjoyed a lot of popularity and exposure in this century. Do you need to look something up online? Google it; Wait, ("Google" it?) isn't Google the brand name of the provided search engine, how did we make it into a verb? Google's savvy marketing is one reason.

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January 3, 2012

Those of us within the search engine optimization industry are on the "inside," but we know savvy marketers adopt a number of perspectives to promote success.  For instance, when the brand "Google" is mentioned, I automatically think about the company's search engine and my contribution to clients' successes regarding SERPs.   However, things change, it's a new year, and as mentioned, it's beneficial to view things from multiple angles as an SEO practitioner.  (On second thought, am I limiting your view of me by branding myself a "search engine optimization" practitioner?  An industry source wonders if we should broaden the scope of our appellations.)

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January 2, 2012

A couple weeks back, I wrote a post about the changing dynamic between consumers and brands.  It could be the pesky, tenacious "recession," that won't go away like socially-inept relatives after the holiday season, making consumers a bit more perceptive and sensitive in the pocket.  Additionally, it could be the popularity of social media platforms and daily usage by consumers within all business verticals.  Considering a number of major brands have pulled "180s" last year regarding major decisions due to the reception of its consumers, it could be a sign of the times.  Will 2012 be the year of the consumer?

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Need an Expert Contributor?

Ken Wisnefski is a seasoned web entrepreneur and a frequent contributor to news outlets and business publications. Ken’s vast knowledge of how to make online businesses succeed has made him a sought after consultant from businesses wishing to improve their online initiatives. Contact pr@webimax.com to collaborate!


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