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WebiMax Blog

Digital marketing tips and advice.

April 30, 2012

"The minute you get a message out there that has engagement that gets people's imaginations fired up or gets their emotions or passions stoked, it's going to go beyond your network because you may have your 130 Facebook followers but each one of them has 130 of their own so the message can spread like wild fire," said Michael Stricker, director of social media with the Internet marketing firm Webimax.  Read more

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April 30, 2012

April 30, 2012

Google has been no stranger to legal issues with investigations being conducted into privacy and antitrust matters among others for a considerable period now in all corners of the word. 

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April 30, 2012

The old adage of "a picture's worth a thousand words" is an all-encompassing one in today's 21st century society. As the internet has become the primary form of communication for millions of people the world over, businesses often emphasize the importance of their media assets. While print magazines and newspapers struggle to maintain their relevance with a digitally-focused generation of media consumers, online organizations and companies are able to capture the attention of countless users effortlessly using only a handful of eye-catching photos or entertaining video clips.

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April 30, 2012

Is your website over-optimized? Watch out because Google is cracking down on sites that are over-optimized and penalizing them.

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April 29, 2012

April 27, 2012

The problem with most daily deal sites is that the bargains you're offered aren't necessarily the ones you want. That's where Amazon (AMZN) thinks it can gain an advantage over rivals like Groupon (GRPN) and others.  Read more

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April 27, 2012

In the digital age, Internet security is a growing concern amongst Web users not only domestically, but on a worldwide scale.  Since its inception, the Internet itself has remained free of international censorship and government oversight.  However, cybersecurity is an issue that continues to create controversy, as some believe that a truly secure Internet may only be possible by sacrificing user privacy.

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April 27, 2012

April 27, 2012

SEO companies and CSRBusinesses across industries have become more interested in corporate social responsibility (CSR) over the past decade than in any time previously. What constitutes CSR varies but it generally covers the equitable operation and often the "giving back" from businesses.  To mitigate harmful impact to the environment and the wellbeing of the communities impacted by a business' operations, it can make conscious choices as to the way they source materials, manufacture their goods or deliver their services, the way they treat their employees, and interact with local or impacted communities.

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April 27, 2012

Many businesses these days are looking for ways to build up an online audience without having to pour endless hours into social networks. Facebook, Google+ and Twitter all serve as excellent venues for interacting with customers and brand followers, but their streamlined interfaces often lead to content that feels stilted and formulaic. Although company owners clearly want to always be on the minds of its followers, the limited space and compartmentalization of these websites greatly hinder the level of exposure that social media can offer. This is especially true in the case of smaller businesses that may not be on a potential reader's radar at all.

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April 27, 2012

Are you a real estate professional looking to gain more customers? If so, then you better get started on joining social media sites.

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April 26, 2012

April 26, 2012

Local search has gotten much attention across the web in addition from us here on the WebiMax blog as the importance of it for business marketing is clear. Local search is extremely prevalent and will only increase in its occurrence among web searchers and smartphone users in the years to come. Now, recent research from comScore with the 2012 Localeze Local Search Usage Study shows some new numbers that give a look deeper inside local search and why it is so important for consumers.

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April 26, 2012

 Ideas: the flashes of to-be-or-not-to-be brilliance.  They compel us to act (sometimes), to make industrious motions.  Years ago, engaging in business was a bit different.  It didn't involve online parameters.  Now, it certainly does.  A large pool of businesspeople must 'grandfather' operations into the young, digital world.

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April 26, 2012

As the foundation of any SEO-focused marketing campaign, keywords are always the driving force for any industry. More often than not, business owners take an approach to their keyword selection that emphasizes quantity over quality. While generalized keywords do have the potential to bring in a large, broad user demographic, sometimes a far more specific search term can yield better results for company websites and online content. The trick comes from knowing how to select the right keyword for the most successful search engine optimization.

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April 25, 2012

We write across subjects on this blog - Jason has written a good amount on social media recently, and Anthony on public relations and relationship building just today. So when you look across subjects one central element that runs through is the importance of engagement. Or more specifically - purposeful engagement. Whether in forming professional relationships in person or through a digital medium, connecting with customers through social media, or reaching out to past customers, one of the ever-present goals is purposeful engagement. What is meant by this is that when marketers connect with audience members, they want it to be meaningful and impactful, inspiring them and moving them to action. Marketers need this communication to hold value for the audience members and not just be token promotion or commenting.

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April 25, 2012

The layup that was Facebook's initial public offering is no longer a sure thing. That's the most obvious conclusion

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April 25, 2012

WebiMax, a leading search engine optimization firm, was recently named a 2012 South Jersey Fastest Growing Company in a contest jointly conducted by the Philadelphia Business Journal and the Rohrer College of Business at Rowan University.  Read more

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April 25, 2012

April 25, 2012

While small business owners often focus much of their attention on staying active in social media, they tend to end up ignoring a valuable asset: their website. As many web designers will tell their clients, a company's website should always include search engine-friendly content as well as useful information that is readily accessible. More often than not, getting one's online properties to the top of the Google and Bing SERPs is one of the most important goals in any SEO campaign.

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April 25, 2012

Smartphone adoption and usage continues to increase in the US and throughout the world. Alongside this growth, however, is the surge in m-commerce behavior users engage in on their smartphones. The devices allow consumers to manage their entire shopping experience from gathering product information and comparing prices to making the final purchase. As such, mobile purchasing is increasing with just under 30% of smartphone users in the US having made a purchase using their smartphone. Marketers and e-retailers alike feel this number could and should be higher. Only 14% make purchases using the device with high frequency, according to ourmobileplanet.com, and 81% do so with low frequency. Opinions are mixed regarding the main roadblock to purchasing on smartphones, but a closer analysis tells a deeper story.

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April 24, 2012

Social media and video marketing are increasingly more important in the internet marketing efforts of businesses. More people are online and searching for business information than ever before and videos that businesses create and then promote can increase the exposure businesses get and the ability to build their outward image and communicate a specific message. All of this can be wrapped up neatly in a short video that is tastefully shot and skillfully produced with even small features such as text, images, and transitions.

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April 24, 2012

Over the last several years, the world's largest search engine has expanded beyond even the wildest of expectations. Google's humble beginnings as a research project by Stanford students Larry Page and Sergey Brin now seem like a distant memory and the company is now a world leader in not only Web search, but in several other areas of the technology industry, as well. Although the Google brand may be best known for its revolutionary search engine, some of the company's newest and upcoming offerings may truly solidify its place in history as one of the world's most innovative brands.

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April 24, 2012

As Google launches its Drive service, we check in with WebiMax CEO Ken Wisnefski. Alisa Parenti also gets an update on Facebook, just a few weeks before its IPO.  Listen here

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April 24, 2012

WebiMax, the top-rated search engine optimisation (SEO) firm in the United Kingdom, has recently launched their London Internet Marketing Initiative offering a comprehensive suite of web-based marketing services. The initiative brings their award-winning solutions to London-area and UK businesses catering specifically to the influx of visitors to the city and surrounding areas in the coming months.  Read more

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April 24, 2012

April 24, 2012

Companies that conduct the majority of their business on the internet are always fighting an uphill battle to gain loyal fans and regular website visitors. With many industries experiencing an overcrowded marketplace and unprecedented levels of brand saturation, small and medium-sized business (SMB) owners are trying to gain that most desired of customer values: trust. Aside from the strength of their online presence, many large corporations have an easier time attracting internet shoppers due to simple brand recognition which lends itself to trustworthiness. When faced with an unknown mom-and-pop retailer and a company that has twenty years of advertising power behind it, there's no doubt that the average person will choose to conduct business with the more well-known store.

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April 23, 2012

When new venues for internet advertising go live, every online marketing firm and PPC company takes note. Just a few days ago, Google announced the launch of its AdWords for Video program which it claims places more ad control into the hands of small and medium-sized businesses (SMB). Putting its money where its mouth is, the company is also giving potential SMB clients an incentive in the form of over $50 million in account funds to new AdWords registers. Those companies that sign up for AdWords for Video will be working with a free $75 in ad credits from which to drive their PPC campaigns.

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April 23, 2012

April 23, 2012

The Internet has changed many things, the least of which how people get their news and consume information, as well as businesses promote themselves and connect with their audiences. For decades the work of PR has been kept to a handful of broad forms of media - print, TV, radio, and live in-person events. For a while now, the internet has been changing how businesses connect with their audiences in order to extend their message and purposefully engage. In short, more is possible, and the new functions that are emerging leverage the power and reach of the internet. Social media and SEO are two elements of online marketing that essentially change the landscape of PR and enable businesses to do achieve more by doing more.

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April 23, 2012

Attention, health care providers. If you're looking to attract an online audience, then it's essential that you start providing information about health care and your practice through social media.

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April 22, 2012

Google has been making many updates.  Have you heard?  Don't worry; the search engine optimization world closely tracks the search giant's moves.  We must.  There's too much invested in the process.  Our consumers depend on us to do a good job for them.  Your consumers depend on you too.

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April 20, 2012

The internet has not only become a tool for people to conveniently search for products or services online, but a dominant source to learn about businesses. With the various online review sites available, customers can read reviews about businesses as well as provide their own review. And 'word on the internet' spreads like wildfire. But, does everyone really trust online reviews?

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April 20, 2012

Here we are at last, loyal readers: the final installment in my three-part coverage of the best social networks for social media marketing. Some of you may have been following my blog posts for the past couple days, but more than a few of you may be jumping in only now. In my previous discussions, I went over the importance of location-focused social websites as well as those with the best potential for growth. Now it's time that we take a look at the overall best social networks for business owners in 2012.

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April 20, 2012

With continued increases in the sales of goods and services through online platforms both here in the US and abroad, there exists several standard musts for companies in order to succeed. These are not necessarily groundbreaking or even new recommendations, but new research out regarding the industry in international markets suggest e-commerce companies are not engaging in these important practices. They are slow to fully embrace the realities of what is needed in order to succeed in the online retail industry. As a result, call them principles, practices, or strategies, but they absolutely need to be implemented to the specifications and needs of each business. Simply put, e-commerce companies must engage in these activities:

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April 19, 2012

Social media should be a part of any successful Internet marketing campaign, but measuring the impact of your efforts previously required additional tools or creating advanced segments in Google Analytics. Now, social media traffic is much more accessible to the more casual GA user.

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April 19, 2012

April 19, 2012

Again, this title is tongue-in-cheek, as there is certainly no one size fits all plan, as the implementation of one would achieve only mediocre results, miss out on great potential, and potentially damage a brand's image in certain markets. There are strategy points that can be catered to each market, though, and one underlying guiding principle - understand each local context, what is popular, what the trends are, what the web behaviors are, and what characterizes their online activity to name a few elements ,and analyze how your business can operate in that market. With this post, we are continuing the subject and now addressing social media in Europe.

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April 19, 2012

April 19, 2012

Yesterday I kicked off a series of blog posts dedicated to choosing the best social network based on the needs of a business. For small and medium-sized company owners, there is no certainly no lack of choices to be made when selecting which social sites to operate on. Many SMBs tend to lack the sort of SEO experience and social media awareness to really take advantage of each network's full capabilities. Fortunately, each site can be boiled down to a few key attributes that can make picking the right one an intuitive, and even enjoyable, process.

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April 18, 2012

April 18, 2012

As social media websites become the focal point of countless internet advertising firms, so too have small business owners come to depend on social networks for their ongoing marketing campaigns. While Facebook is the primary social website for many companies these days, the fact is that there is no shortage of social media sites to pick from when trying to improve a company's conversion rates and traffic. Although social media companies often ignore many sites when campaigning, the options available to businesses advertising on social networks are rather robust.

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April 18, 2012

Yes, that title is tongue-in-cheek, as there is certainly no one size fits all plan. Reading any of my previous writings here, if there is one recurrent theme or underlying message toward international SEO and internet marketing in a new international market, it is that marketers must cater to the new context. They need to do their homework in understanding the local environment and how culture, language, and the societal structure (political, judicial, etc.) will impact the operations of the business - and act accordingly.

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April 18, 2012

Tons of resources are regularly devoted toward evaluating the strength of business sales strategies.  Evaluation and implementation play integral roles in the strength of the strategy and there are methods businesses can use to refine their message.  Analytics potentially provide the most effective evaluation and illustrate measures that other tools simply cannot.  Below are 4 ways website analytics can help businesses refine their sales strategy:

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April 17, 2012

I shake my head each time I read an 'excuse' in regard to disappointing revenue numbers, especially excuses aligned with 'slow seasons' or 'traditional downtimes.'  Does search engine optimization know of such ineffective times?  Depending on the vertical, off to online marketing may be similarly or grossly contrasted; but, can present-day brands use traditional outcomes when it comes to online marketing's nascent years?  Are some brands simply not giving SEO a good enough try?

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April 17, 2012

April 17, 2012

Over the past several years, search engine optimization (SEO) has become increasingly popular for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Although large scale corporations and well-known retailers may rely primarily on TV and print for most of their advertising efforts, many companies also supplement their marketing campaigns with SEO-based operations online. What used to be a relatively unknown advertising method has now become a common business strategy for countless retailers, restaurateurs and service providers the world over.

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April 17, 2012

In yesterday's post, I opened the discussion of Twitter's varied use by non-marketers and covered two interesting and innovative applications of the technology. The first is that of Francis Kariuki (@Chiefkariuki), the Kenyan administrative chief that uses twitter to get important messages out to his community members. Secondly, we looked at the twitter bot named Where's My Bus (@whensmybus) which offers travelers real-time London bus information.

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April 16, 2012

Twitter is impressive, the technology itself in what it allows you to do but also in how people are actually using it to improve how they interact with the world around them on a daily basis. The platform has seen solid growth and now has over 100 million active users, those that sign in at least once a month. The US slice of Twitter use is expected to rise to 21 million this year (eMarketer) as people continue to see worth in its use, even if to simply track that which they find interesting rather than creating and sharing content themselves.

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April 16, 2012

If you're online and need a question answered, where do you go?  If you're like most Americans and many Europeans leveraging a search, you're using Google.  What would happen if Google didn't answer your question?  That's what happened to the Federal Communications Commission regarding their question of Google's Street View project.

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April 16, 2012

Over the weekend, one of Google's co-founders, Sergey Brin, granted an exclusive interview to The Guardian in which he very openly discussed his thoughts on the future of Internet freedom.  In the interview, he targeted various governments and their attempt at passing legislation to censor the Web and also stated his opinions regarding social networking giant, Facebook and the electronics manufacturer, Apple.  Brin believes that the two companies are "restrictive" and intend to limit the functionality of the Internet.

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April 16, 2012

April 16, 2012

As I discussed in a previous blog post, many businesses find themselves focusing the majority of their social media efforts through Facebook these days. While I still feel that Google+ is a fantastic alternative to this oversaturated social network, there are still several features on Facebook that make it an attractive platform for marketing purposes. In particular, it's the network's capability for pay per click advertisements that is a huge draw for many business owners. Aside from the site-wide ad initiatives that came about via the Timeline layout update, companies listed on the world's biggest social network will also soon to be able to take advantage of another potential marketing avenue.

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April 15, 2012

Now that Rick Santorum has suspended his campaign and the race is on between President Obama and Mitt Romney, an unprecedented media war has begun. We've seen big media battles before. But in money, in woman- and man-hours, and in technical and strategic sophistication, this will be the biggest ever. Especially in Pennsylvania and other swing states, you'll see television ads from both camps, and from the semianonymous political action committees that have become the coin of the 2012 realm.  Read more

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April 14, 2012

April 13, 2012

The Microsoft-Yahoo Search Alliance that began in 2009 is coming to the end of its full roll-out in the UK, Ireland, and France. The Search Alliance started a few years ago with Microsoft's Bing powering Yahoo search and transitioning the advertising activity on each search platform to Microsoft's adCenter. The transition has been smooth, but has taken considerable time to manage all the moving parts of such a transition for large companies and the synchronization of behavior and function for all the current adCenter users.

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April 13, 2012

What can your company offer?  Does it address service needs for consumers?  How do you define a 'consumer?'  Could your business take a few steps in another direction, creating a different vantage point, and target market?  A recent article illustrates the emphasis of offering services rather than producing in factories.

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April 13, 2012

Many business owners who are new to the world of online marketing often consider pay per click as their main channel of advertisement. As what is essentially the internet's oldest form of direct marketing, PPC ads continue to be one of the most prevalent methods of inorganic link building. It certainly doesn't hurt that every search engine website displays its own custom PPC ads on every SERP it shows. Although PPC usage remains constant across the web, the prominence of this popular marketing method is not even across all ad networks.

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April 12, 2012

April 12, 2012

The US Justice Department interceded in the business affairs of Apple and Amazon lately, ruling on the side of lower-priced e-books.  The Department posed an antitrust suit on Apple and five other large book publishers.  The government felt the group of publishers was strategically attempting to raise the prices on e-books, prices which Amazon has lowered to $9.99 for new and popular books.

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April 12, 2012

Purposeful targeting to drive traffic is the essential point of both organic SEO and paid search. Utilizing tools in each mode of internet marketing allows for the catering of specific messages to different contexts. This assists the ability to split test ads for paid search and bring localized web searchers to your web properties in terms of SEO. Now, new zip-code and location functionality out this week from Google allows for marketers using AdWords to target over 30,000 ZIP codes offering a greater ability to more specifically cater the ad message to a specific location. Similarly, "Location Insertion," another new feature, gives marketers the freedom to establish a single ad and have information placed into that ad depending on the locations of the search queries that initiate it. The two features are considered location extensions in AdWords, and they have important implications for businesses partnering with SEO companies in an effort to increase paid search spend and traffic.

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April 12, 2012

Those business owners who turn to social media sites for customer traffic are known to rely just a little too heavily on Facebook. Sure, the world's biggest social network continues to expand its influence, and it's a given that it will grow towards a projected one billion users by year's end. While there's certainly no lack of potential customers to be found on Facebook, there is the matter of market saturation. For every type of business out there, there are literally thousands of competitors with which to contend. Small business owners who try to maintain a strong presence in social media have to work much harder when rivals are involved.

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April 11, 2012

Twitter, the most popular microblogging site on the internet, offers instantaneous communication and unique engagement opportunities for businesses to connect with members of their audience. Twitter indeed offers two-way communication, but a recent study by Conversocial shows that many big businesses, within retail clothing in this case, do not engage in two-way communication with their customers, and if they do it is limited. On social platforms other than Twitter, customers can message businesses directly, comment, and reach other in other ways.

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April 11, 2012

Just weeks after touting a reorg that would set it on a new and profitable path, Best Buy has jettisoned its CEO of 28 years, Brian Dunn. Best Buy has been in trouble for a while and has not made enough strategic moves to improve its position, said Kenneth C. Wisnefski, founder and CEO of Webimax. "That is a reflection of the CEO and could shed light on the resignation."  Read more

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April 11, 2012

The current prevalence of social networks in our daily lives is not to be underestimated. Although some sites such as Facebook have been showing a generally downward growth trend as of late, the medium that we refer to as "social media" is stronger now than it's ever been before. With nearly a billion users to be found between Facebook, Google+ and Twitter, it's clear that there is no end in sight for social networking. This, of course, bodes well for social media companies that handle business marketing. What may surprise many readers, however, is how the constant growth of social media may continue to cement the relevance of SEO as a whole.

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April 11, 2012

April 11, 2012

Online ShoppingEarlier today, Brian Dunn resigned from his position as CEO of Best Buy.  This is just one of many, albeit, more drastic examples of the company's recent troubles.  However, Best Buy is not the first major electronics retailer to face such hardship.  The company's former competitor, Circuit City, met its demise in 2009 after failing to adapt to a changing marketplace and suffering diminishing revenues.  Best Buy is actively pursuing a new strategy in order to stay in business, including the replacement of several large brick-and-mortar locations with smaller "mobile" stores.  However, many analysts believe that Best Buy's greatest hope for success may be their online division.

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April 10, 2012

It seems not a week can go by without Google raising more alarms within the SEO community. Online businesses that have been watching their web analytics over the last few weeks may have noticed some alarming trends. Traffic has been dropping steadily for many online companies and the page rankings have been falling along with it. While not everyone has been affected by these disturbing trends just yet, more and more pages are experiencing the impact of Google's constant search engine revisions.

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April 10, 2012

What would you do if you were Yahoo, consecutively coming in behind Google in search, and struggling to improve revenue flow? Yahoo plans to relieve 2,000 people of duty in the near future.   Unfortunately, one does not have to search far into the brand’s past to find layoffs.  This would be Yahoo’s sixth major layoff in four years.

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April 10, 2012

April 10, 2012

Today's post continues where yesterday's left off regarding the state of internet in Mexico, and further down what its advancement means for businesses and SEO. The difference in web use and access between urban and rural areas in the country is great, and closing this gap is important for internet's growth. In cities with more than 15,000 people (where 71% of Mexican homes are) only 40% have a computer and 30% are online. In the almost 190,000 Mexican towns under 2,5000 people, only 6% of the homes have a computer and only 3% are online. Penetration isn't terribly high in urban areas, and the drop-off to rural regions is significant. Reasons are infrastructure, the inability of many to afford computers, and the lack of education in the use of computers within some populations. The government has taken some actions already to make the technology more widely available and has set some goals to be reached by 2015:

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April 9, 2012

SEO in MexicoI haven't spent that much time discussing the internet and the potential for internet marketing and SEO in Latin American -yet. It has been an area that just hasn't received great attention. This is largely due to the fact that internet penetration in Latin America has been slow and the market for building an optimized online presence is not fully developed. Thus is the nature of developing markets, they hold great potential, but each country's situation is different - it depends on whether they are three years, six years, or more from entering a space where they have the infrastructure, support, business presence, and computing public to push for all the benefits the internet brings. A developed internet landscape not only brings a market for internet advertising and SEO, but it also brings marked social and economic benefits in terms of international development and progress. A McKinsey study interestingly addresses this very point.

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April 9, 2012

Tech savvy businesses have likely been following the recent news about Google Glasses that's been making its way around the web. Until only recently, all information known about the device was the stuff of pure conjecture. While the finer details behind the glasses are still being kept locked up tight so far, Google released a promotional video last week that's been causing quite a stir.
The company claims the glasses, currently referred to as Project Glass, will incorporate heavy search engine and social media functionality into the everyday life of its users. While the reveal video leads to big (and somewhat unlikely) promises regarding the integration of the internet into a new mobile device, there is one thing that is certain: the information that Google pulls for its Glass interface will certainly be pulled from its search engine results. For businesses of every size and shape, this means that the months leading up to the final release of Project Glass make improving page rankings and domain authority crucial.
Getting Page Rankings Ready for Project Glass
To put it simply, there has never been a more important time than now for companies to seek out the help of a top SEO company. As a leading internet marketing firm, WebiMax handles hundreds of companies in their search engine optimization efforts every day. Our clients rely on our SEO and social media optimization methods in order to climb to the top of the search engine result pages (or SERPs). For now, success means ranking well on web browser searches. Yet with devices such as Google's Project Glass looming on the horizon, our industry will begin to focus more actively on preparing clients for the next big tech push.
In the coming months, WebiMax will continue performing landing page optimization, PPC campaigns and various other SEO practices to improve the search engine friendliness of its clients and their web content. Although Google has not been entirely forward with how Project Glass will work, it's clear that only those sites that rank well will be shown in the device's user display.  For our clients, that means working overtime to get to those much-wanted SERP top spots. With that extra bit of dedication and hard work, Google Glasses users will no doubt see our clients come up again and again when the device is released this fall.

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April 9, 2012

Most online shoppers have been there: You find a product you like online, you add it to the shopping cart and proceed to checkout . . . and then, at the last minute, you have second thoughts and close the window, telling yourself you'll sleep on it and come back later.  Read more

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April 9, 2012

April 8, 2012

April 6, 2012

Kenneth Wisnefski, founder and CEO of WebiMax, a leading search engine optimization firm, announced that WebiMax [the company] has seen a major growth in overseas markets through Q1 of 2012. In particular, the company has successfully partnered with over 200% more clients in Asian and European markets.  Read more

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April 6, 2012

It comes as little surprise that Amazon is stealing Wal-Mart’s discount thunder, says Kenneth Wisnefski, founder and CEO of Webimax, which develops online marketing strategies for retailers such as Aéropostale (ARO) and Sam's Club (WMT).  Read more

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April 6, 2012

Whether your business is based within a brick-or-mortar institution, or it is a solely online venture, one thing is certain: e-commerce is one of the most important aspects of your business to focus on. Why? Well, there is a great deal of data and statistics to support the fact that online shopping – and purchasing – is experiencing a huge increase that is not likely to be slowing down. More importantly, it will never reverse. If you want your business to compete in this new digital age of commerce, it is about time that you extended its products and services to the online world.

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April 5, 2012

Has your company recently opened a Pinterest account as a new initiative within its SEO marketing strategy? Despite the newness of the social media site, there are already several tools that are available on the market for conducting analytics on the widespread usage of Pinterest.

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April 5, 2012

Would your business consider recruiting, much like major sports teams do?  Why not?  Isn't the sentiment the same?  Sports teams search for potential talent, whether it's in tennis, football, baseball, track and field, gymnastics, etc.  Why can't SEO, social media, link building, and other varieties of business startups recruit potential talent as well?  I think it may become a growing trend; and, some savvy college kids are making the decision a no brainer.

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April 5, 2012

Seasoned, online marketing professionals understand traffic is one thing but creating repeat customers, a community, is another desire, which is much more profitable.  Driving traffic is different from creating a parking lot for your target market.

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April 5, 2012

The major sporting vent in the UK this summer is a truly global event with people from all corners of the world not only participating but following and supporting the actual events and accompanying activities. Many will travel to the UK to see the events and festivities in person, but for the millions of fans that will not, media coverage will be expansive to bring the happenings to everyone else. The committee guiding the major event in the UK has pushed the events in various ways online and through social media in years past, but this year the efforts are enhanced and more purposeful creating more engagement and an improved experience for fans.

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April 5, 2012

"This major change serves as a call-to-action for marketers to re-evaluate their on-site and brand message," Kenneth Wisnefski, founder and CEO of search engine optimization firm, WebiMax, said. "Google is calling this the 'next generation of search,' and appears to be placing more precedence on facts and direct answers."   Read more

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April 5, 2012

Kenneth Wisnefski, founder and CEO of WebiMax, a leading search engine optimization firm, announced the online search industry has undertaken major changes in the past year and further indicates more changes are expected in the short-term.  Read more

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April 5, 2012

In hopes of giving a boost to small businesses in need of capital, President Obama signed the bipartisan Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act into law today (April 5).  Read more

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April 5, 2012

Kenneth Wisnefski, founder and CEO of WebiMax, a leading search engine optimization firm, announced the online search industry has undertaken major changes in the past year and further indicates more changes are expected in the short-term.  Read more

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April 5, 2012

April 4, 2012

Has the SEO marketing division of your business ever considered creating a viral branded video campaign? Videos are actually one of the best ways to market your company, its brand, products, and services on the internet. And, if your video goes viral, the extent of your brand's reach can be phenomenally huge. In fact, it would be worldwide. What could be better for your brand?

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April 4, 2012

The e-commerce numbers are growing across the globe and daily deal sites are a large reason for the sector's growth. Looking specifically at the Italian market, the growth and role of daily deal sites in e-commerce is no different. According to leading industry executives, companies like Groupon and LetsBonus are surging in Italy and contributed to the country's double-digit growth in 2011 online retail sales. The presence and success of these sites is noteworthy and the degree to which they continue to grow and attract online shoppers will greatly affect the trajectory of the e-commerce industry both in Italy and other markets. As such, looking at the future of this sector, internet retailers have an opportunity to employ specific practices, among them being SEO, to push coupon sites forward driving more traffic and growing conversions.

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April 4, 2012

April 3, 2012

But while requesting this information might be unusual among employers generally, Kenneth Wisnefski, social media expert and founder/CEO of WebiMax, said: “We see this very often, especially in public service work including teachers, police and government officials.”  Read more

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April 3, 2012

There is news seemingly coming out daily regarding the possibilities that smartphones present businesses in terms of widening exposure and growing business. This is essentially because of all the sectors that smartphones and their functionality and features touch. The impact is clearly seen and only growing in the years to come especially regarding mobile local searching both at home in the US (where smartphone adoption has just reached the 50% mark) and abroad.

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April 3, 2012

Social media networking sites are forever developing new affiliations with each other to better enhance their users' experiences. The most recent ones to do so are Tumblr and Facebook, as reported in a recent Mashable article. The two websites have announced a new feature that will making the sharing of blog posts from Tumblr much easier on Facebook's new Timeline format. Users of Tumblr can activate this from their Tumblr accounts.

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April 3, 2012

April 2, 2012

I have written about cultural characteristics often on this blog to affirm their importance for proper international SEO and general internet marketing efforts that are catering to specialized or international markets. [One side note is that cultures are not restricted solely to countries, as groups within an overall culture can have their own specific cultures with accompanying tendencies]. Understanding how they impact your business is paramount and it requires doing the necessary research on the local contexts and establishing how best to accurately adapt web content and messaging to improve the customer connection, among other things. International SEO companies work to assist businesses with their strategy and actions in this regard and help them gain a greater foothold on various international markets.

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April 2, 2012

Large companies often have the luxury of investing in their employees by offering to pay for graduate education programs. While that is not always an option for small business owners on tight budgets, there are ways to implement continuing education strategies that will keep a workforce happy and informed without eating into a company’s bottom line.  Read more

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April 2, 2012

There is some important and exciting news about Pinterest that a lot of businesses really need to pay attention to. As reported by a recent article on Mashable, it has been found that Pinterest is not just a heavy driver of traffic to companies' websites. Pinterest has now been shown to also be a driver of sales. This piece of information adds greatly to the mounting evidence that supports Pinterest's value to the world of marketing. This evidence purports that Pinterest possesses a great deal of potential for becoming an integral component of many companies' SEO and social media marketing campaigns.

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April 2, 2012

April 1, 2012

Recent reports that some businesses and government agencies are asking job applicants to share their personal login information for Facebook is driving a heated debate on online privacy. Online marketing expert Kenneth Wisnefski wrote in the Washington Post that the debate could lead to litigation brought by job seekers and possibly to legislation protecting job applicants’ privacy vis-à-vis social media.  Read more

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April 1, 2012

Need an Expert Contributor?

Ken Wisnefski is a seasoned web entrepreneur and a frequent contributor to news outlets and business publications. Ken’s vast knowledge of how to make online businesses succeed has made him a sought after consultant from businesses wishing to improve their online initiatives. Contact pr@webimax.com to collaborate!


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