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WebiMax Blog

Digital marketing tips and advice.

March 31, 2015


March 27, 2015


March 27, 2015


March 27, 2015


March 27, 2015


March 26, 2015

twitter logo on screenSocial media's relationship with search engines is growing stronger. Google and Twitter recently reached an agreement to make tweets, the 140-character posts Twitter users publish to their followers, searchable on Google. According to a report from Bloomberg Business, tweets will be searchable on Google the moment they're posted. Twitter CEO Dick Costolo states we can expect tweets to show up on Google's search engine results pages within just a few months. Twitter currently shares its users' data with the search engines Bing and Yahoo, but its new alliance with Google, which commands the most traffic of any website in the world, will have a far greater an impact.

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March 25, 2015

"The reality is, if you look at a reputation or crisis management plan, you need to have it customized to meet your needs and you need to understand the depth of your problems," said Ken Wisnefski, founder and CEO of ORM provider WebiMax.

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March 25, 2015


March 25, 2015


March 23, 2015

Link building is a valuable practice for businesses looking to gain visibility online, yet as Google learns more about its users, its algorithms continue to evolve to make it more and more difficult to build the kinds of links that help grow businesses.   However, the fact that it's getting harder does not mean that link building is a wasted effort.  Consider the old adage, quality over quantity, as one high quality link can have a much larger impact on your business than many, lesser quality links.  Google wants to maintain its search engine dominance.  To that end, Google is looking for the right set of indicators to determine whether or not a page is a good search result.  So what does the future of link building hold?

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March 17, 2015


March 17, 2015

"Though Lyft's 2.5 Billion valuation appears to pale in comparison to Uber's $41 Billion, transportation network company supremacy is still anybody's game," said Ken Wisnefski, founder and CEO of leading internet marketer, WebiMax. "The mobile app transportation industry is still a fledgling industry--and while Uber is certainly the larger of the two companies operating in 55 countries, they are paving the way for the eventual competition from Lyft in those markets."

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March 17, 2015


March 16, 2015


March 11, 2015

March 9, 2015

In this interview from Wharton Business Radio, Ken talks about the upcoming Etsy IPO with host Dan Loney and Philadelphia artist Sharif Pendleton.

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March 6, 2015


March 4, 2015

Promoted pins from Pinterest rolled out to the public on January 1st to help small and large businesses connect to the folks that might be interested in their products and messages.  Previous to 2015 Pinterest had tested this feature for a couple years and only a handful of large companies were able to access it, but those companies have noted large spikes in site referrals and web traffic from Pinterest during the course of those campaigns.  So should brands start to utilize promoted pins?  Absolutely, Pinterest is one of the top referral traffic generating websites, so raising brand awareness through promoted pins would be a particularly smart move for many brands.

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March 4, 2015

Get Help Removing Bad Links

Has Google penalized your site for unnatural linking? Is your websites keyword rankings and traffic taken a turn for the worse? If so, you are in need of our bad link removal services. Let us help you have that penalty removed ASAP and get back to having a successful website. 

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March 3, 2015

COMMENTARY: WebiMax glad to be part of Camden

I wanted to comment on a letter to the editor that stated that businesses should give back to Camden as part of the process of moving their companies there.

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March 3, 2015

Effective search engine optimization is all about adaptability. Google continuously changes the search engine algorithms it uses to index and rank websites, and these changes can impact the effectiveness of your SEO campaign in both large and small ways. The trick to long-term SEO success is therefore to anticipate these changes in order to stay ahead of the curve and adapt quickly. So what can we expect from Google next?

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Need an Expert Contributor?

Ken Wisnefski is a seasoned web entrepreneur and a frequent contributor to news outlets and business publications. Ken’s vast knowledge of how to make online businesses succeed has made him a sought after consultant from businesses wishing to improve their online initiatives. Contact pr@webimax.com to collaborate!


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