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WebiMax Blog

Digital marketing tips and advice.

November 30, 2012

Google’s ostensible goal is to create the best corollary to how users browse the web. Without impediment, this would allow Google to eventually provide near-perfect information to the user. Whether by commission or naiveté, the SERPs are not free of the static noise that is SPAM. As such, any methods Google perceives as disruptive to this goal will eventually be devalued or penalized, in an effort to clean up the results.

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November 29, 2012

On December 2nd, 2012, WebiMax Founder & CEO Kenneth Wisnefski was featured in AP.org’s “The Big Story” discussing the hot topic of healthcare and how small businesses are handling healthcare reform in the U.S.

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November 29, 2012

One of the most common SEO mistakes I encounter every day is the mishandling of 404 errors. URLs that return a 404 HTTP response code are a normal part of the web; just about every site has them. 404 errors can be served for a couple of reasons. Maybe you are trying to access a page that has been moved or no longer exists on the sites server, or maybe you misspelled the URL for that particular page. Although 404 errors do not have a direct correlation to your sites rankings, it is believed that too many of these errors can act as a signal to search engines that maybe your sites content isn't the best or most up to date for the query. The most important part is understanding how to approach them correctly in order to preserve user experience and link juice. This can be accomplished by creating a customized 404 page and installing 301 redirects when appropriate.

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November 27, 2012

Kenneth Wisnefski recently appeared on HuffPost Live with Tyler & Cameron Winklevoss and Hukkster Founders Erica Bell & Katie Finnegan, discussing the new startup funded by Winklevoss Capital.

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November 27, 2012

WebiMax Founder & CEO Kenneth Wisnefski will be appearing on HuffPost Live momentarily with Winklevoss Capital founders Tyler & Cameron Winklevoss, HuffPost Tech Editor Bianca Bosker and Hukkster Founders Erica Bell & Katie Finnegan.

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November 26, 2012

November 22, 2012

Kenneth Wisnefski was featured by The Washington Times recently, in an article in which he discussed the popularity of mobile shopping apps and their prevalence and usefulness to shoppers on Black Friday.

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November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving From WebiMax!

On behalf of everyone here at WebiMax, have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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November 21, 2012


November 21, 2012

With the 2012 Holiday shopping season officially beginning on Black Friday, consumers have begun to seek out product reviews and price comparisons in order to find the best deals for this year’s “must have” items and according to recent market research conducted by Adobe, search engines and social media will be the most effective tools for shoppers this season.

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November 20, 2012


November 20, 2012


November 20, 2012


November 20, 2012

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November 19, 2012

In early 2012, the Wall Street Journal reported that Google was exploiting little-known functionality within Apple’s Safari browser which allowed the search engine to install cookies even with Safari’s privacy settings set to disallow them.  Google was quick to respond to the accusations with a company spokesman issuing the following statement to WSJ in response to their article:

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November 16, 2012

Since Apple first announced plans to develop its own proprietary mapping application earlier this year, Google Maps supporters were skeptical of Apple’s ability to design a more accurate and effective global mapping solution.  Following the release of the iOS 6 mobile operating system in September, many Apple users expressed frustration with the new Maps application.  Within a matter of days, the backlash was evident in the press, as well.  Numerous technology review sites, blogs and even tech and business news outlets were discussing Apple Maps and its lackluster user experience.

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:wall street journalgoogleTVapplemapstim cookios 6Articles

November 15, 2012

Throughout this year’s Presidential campaign, Twitter played an instrumental role.  Both candidates expertly utilized the network and kept voters engaged by addressing major issues and promoting their public appearances.  As our own social media expert, Mike Stricker pointed out in a comment on one of my previous posts; Barack Obama was even responsible for generating the most re-tweets in history for a political message on Twitter.

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November 15, 2012

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November 15, 2012

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I can taste it already.  Can you?

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November 14, 2012

At first glance, DuckDuckGo appears to be one of the most unlikely contenders to ascend to Google’s position as the world’s top search engine, but in reality, it may actually stand a pretty good chance in due time.  The small, privately-held company based outside of Philadelphia in Paoli, PA has grown rapidly and garnered substantial attention from the public and press without a multi-billion dollar ad campaign, but instead by simply offering an interesting alternative to the competition.

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November 14, 2012

:fox businessbudget control actTVfiscal cliffbarack obamaArticles

November 13, 2012

Last night, I had the opportunity to speak at the fourth Agile SEO – South Jersey Meetup of 2012 at the WebiMax HQ in Mt. Laurel, NJ and thanks to the great audience and my fellow presenters, Ryan Buddenhagen, Chris Countey and Bill Slawski (who offered a thorough SEO audit to one of our attendees), it’s safe to say that this was one of our best meetups yet!

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November 13, 2012

There was an excellent piece in the Atlantic last month about the power of “dark social.” Dark social is, essentially, the links to your site that you can’t account for. That is, you don’t know where your visitors are coming from. When looking at your analytics, you have to keep in mind just how limited you are. In many instances, a majority of your sites views won’t come from a specific referrer. There is no referrer data if someone comes from a dark social source, such as instant messenger or email.

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November 12, 2012

facebook brandingOf all the popular social media companies out there, Facebook always feels like the most troubled. It also has more users than any of its competitors, so criticism is easy to come by. Ever since it's lackluster IPO, the company has been scrambling to come up with a way to reassure investors that they are worth the billions they were valued at. Responding to market pressures, Facebook has aggressively pushed the message that they are focusing their energy on becoming a mobile service first and foremost. As more and more users access the internet primarily through their phones, Facebook is rushing to change the way they operate in order to meet the needs of changing demographics.

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November 12, 2012

New York and New Jersey are still recovering from the devastation brought by Hurricane Sandy. When it's all said and done, weeks and months will pass and the monetary cost will be astronomical, which is to say nothing of the lives lost.

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November 12, 2012

Tonight at 7pm EST, WebiMax presents the fourth Agile SEO - South Jersey Meetup of 2012 and we have a lot in store for our attendees!

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November 11, 2012

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November 9, 2012

IGoogle on a Tabletn recent years, mobile Internet usage has increased dramatically and smartphones, tablets and other mobile computing devices are now the primary point of connectivity for a rapidly growing mobile demographic.  For Internet marketers, reaching this massive user base is essential in creating more effective campaigns.

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November 8, 2012

Every SEO wants the "perfect" link profile, amongst other things.  Many digital marketers hope to one day achieve a solid link profile consisting entirely of high-quality, high-authority pages from well ranked, reputable domains.  However, a majority of websites, at one point or another, have received a less-than-desirable link or two.  Despite the occasional (and virtually inevitable) flaw in an otherwise pristine link profile, there is one important fact that all SEOs must remember: A few bad links don't necessarily equate to bad rankings.

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November 8, 2012

:TVelection 2012mitt romneypr newsbarack obamaArticles

November 7, 2012

Earlier today, I read an article posted on Reuters.com discussing the impact of Twitter on this year’s historic Presidential election.  One quote within the article that particularly stood out was:

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November 7, 2012

The results are in and Barack Obama will remain in the White House until 2016, but after participating in the most costly campaign to date, what really gave the President the advantage in the polls?

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November 7, 2012

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November 7, 2012

Ken Wisnefski discusses Obama's last-minute Twitter interactions during Election Day 2012 and how social media impacted his campaign.

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November 6, 2012

Although this year’s election has been the most expensive in US history to date (with a total price tag of over $2 billion), the most significant platform utilized by both Romney and Obama to enhance their visibility throughout the campaign may, surprisingly, be the most cost effective, as well.  Social media first proved its worth in the political arena during President Obama’s groundbreaking 2008 campaign.  The usage of YouTube and Facebook to connect with a vast, diverse audience had undeniably helped Obama pull ahead in the polls and capture coveted demographics in crucial swing states such as Ohio.

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November 6, 2012

As expected, social media is on fire this morning and will continue throughout the day as both President Obama and Governor Romney secure their votes from the American people.  Both candidates have a strong social media presence but it appears the incumbent has a slightly larger lead on Twitter, evidenced by the amount of activity and trending topics that involve Obama and not Romney.

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November 5, 2012

SEO is almost constantly evolving, growing and becoming more complex, but regardless of how search engine optimization techniques change; content will always be an important component of online marketing initiatives.

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November 5, 2012

”There is a spike because this happens once every 4 years,” said Wisnefski. “Social Media continues to be a trending phenomenon therefore constantly requiring expert insight and commentary. Election night I expect to be higher because it is completely an analysis and game of prediction and estimation.”  See the full story on Politico.

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November 5, 2012

“Obama placed major emphasis on leveraging the Internet to engage with voters while John McCain virtually ignored leveraging social media and engaging with voters online,” wrote Kenneth Wisnefski, founder of the Internet marketing company WebiMax, in a statement. “Social media has only dramatically risen in prominence since then.”  Read more on I.B. Times.

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November 5, 2012

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November 5, 2012

The outcome of the Presidential Election is still unknown, but experts say that social media is clearly a winner.  Read Ken Wisnefski’s analysis on social media and its impact on the 2012 election.  Read more.

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November 2, 2012

Apple has released their smaller tablet version of the iPad, the mini.  The mini is available today for sale however does the price defeat the purpose?  The mobile and tablet market is thriving and virtually exploding!   In fact, tablets are set to surpass notebook growth in 2016.  Research conducted by Display Search indicates that tablets are expected to be the driving mechanism for the mobile market over the next 4 years.  With this extreme growth and demand for mobile and tablet devices, Apple decided to launch the iPad mini to compete with lesser expensive and smaller sized tablets.  However, many consumers feel the price they offered is a bit too aggressive for the mini tablet.

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Need an Expert Contributor?

Ken Wisnefski is a seasoned web entrepreneur and a frequent contributor to news outlets and business publications. Ken’s vast knowledge of how to make online businesses succeed has made him a sought after consultant from businesses wishing to improve their online initiatives. Contact pr@webimax.com to collaborate!


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