The Presidential Election Makes (Social Media) History
Bruce Rymshaw, November 7, 2012
Earlier today, I read an article posted on discussing the impact of Twitter on this year’s historic Presidential election. One quote within the article that particularly stood out was:
“Through the course of a long and bitter presidential campaign, Twitter often served as the new first rough draft of history.”
It’s a great point and a hard one to disagree with. In fact, last night truly displayed the power of Twitter as one of the most significant public media outlets, both on and offline. A record-breaking 31 million tweets related to the election spread throughout the Web last night, with 23 million of those appearing between 6pm EST and midnight. Just after 11pm, Twitter users generated an incredible 327,000 tweets per minute leading up to the announcement of Obama’s victory. According to Twitter’s spokeswoman, Rachael Horwitz, the election was “the most tweeted about event in U.S. political history.”
Although President Obama and Mitt Romney aggressively utilized Twitter during their respective campaigns, last night’s unprecedented social engagement levels truly brought the network to the forefront of mainstream news and media.
Twitter, as well as Facebook, YouTube, Google+ and other prominent social networks, provide a level of both visibility and credibility to individuals and organizations that have proven difficult to achieve through other platforms. With both candidates extensively using social networks to help gain votes and raise greater awareness to their campaigns, the popularity of these networks has soared and only continues to grow and prove their value as promotional tools.
Last night, history was undoubtedly made as the incumbent President was re-elected. Before I was even able to get to the nearest TV or radio to find out who would be residing in the White House for the next four years, the following tweet appeared on my Twitter feed:
Today, as Obama begins to prepare for four more years in office, myself and thousands of other social media users will remember the tweet that announced his victory to the world and the instrumental role social media played throughout this historic campaign.