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WebiMax Blog

Digital marketing tips and advice.

August 25, 2014

Pro-footballer for the Cleveland Browns, Johnny Manziel,  made an obscene gesture on the field towards the opposing team, prompting some outrage.  In this clip, Ken Wisnefski talks about the incident as well as overall reputation management for athletes with CBS Sports radio host George Young on KFRU's program The Closers.

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August 25, 2014

Mobile technology has given people the tools to reach into their pocket and get all the pertinent info they need to make a smart purchase whether a product is on the shelf in front of them, or they are planning a trip and looking to book a room.   The rise of mobile has yielded smarter consumers who do research before they buy and who read online reviews from other consumers.  In fact, an overwhelming 90% of customers claim that reading positive online reviews influenced their purchasing decisions, according to a survey conducted by Dimensional Research.

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August 22, 2014

Ken Wisnefski discusses sports reputation management and the Johnny Manziel "gesture" incident.

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August 20, 2014


August 18, 2014

In the meantime, some industry observers hope that newspaper companies will use their independence to focus more of their time and cash on growing revenues organically through better digital advertising offerings. That is certainly what Ken Wisnefski, CEO of the Internet marketing company WebiMax, has been pushing for as he has worked with various local papers.

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August 8, 2014

Google announced late Wednesday afternoon that some formulaic changes are looming. In an attempt to better protect Internet users, Google will begin to include secure, encrypted HTTPS connections in their list of factors which determine search engine results. The news comes as little surprise as the Internet’s most powerful search engine has a history of altering their algorithms in efforts to stay current.

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August 7, 2014

“This is another death knell for newspapers,” Ken Wisnefski, founder of the Internet marketing firm WebiMax, told International Business Times. “The drop in newspaper print editions has obviously been well-documented, but I think this move -- when you’re talking about a publication like USA Today -- it really shows the focus, and the need to build upon digital assets as opposed to traditional media.”

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August 5, 2014

“Google has begun to favor sites that expand and contract to the varying and ever-growing screen sizes of mobile devices,” explains Ken Wisnefski, founder and CEO, WebiMax. “If your site is responsive and engages users, they’ll stay on the site more, which can lower your bounce rate.”

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August 1, 2014

"Over time people have begun to abandon their laptops, and now use their phones for everything." - Ken Wisnefski, WebiMax CEO

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Need an Expert Contributor?

Ken Wisnefski is a seasoned web entrepreneur and a frequent contributor to news outlets and business publications. Ken’s vast knowledge of how to make online businesses succeed has made him a sought after consultant from businesses wishing to improve their online initiatives. Contact pr@webimax.com to collaborate!


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