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WebiMax Blog

Digital marketing tips and advice.

October 24, 2013


October 16, 2013


October 16, 2013


October 16, 2013

When I mention the Internet and danger, I'm not referring to explicit content; I'm also not referring to the addictiveness of Netflix or the questionable sources of premium TV shows I don't have to pay for. What I'm talking about is textual content that's sloppy, uninformative and produced with the sole intention of acquiring higher search engine rankings, not of educating and engaging online users.

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October 14, 2013

As someone who contributes to numerous blogs and has a few of her own, I'm always browsing around the Web looking for inspiration and trying to find ways to improve my own content. There's definitely an interesting contrast between personal blogs and those that belong to certain brands. While checking out the blogs for individual brands, I found that some corporate companies are absolutely killing it by honing in on a specific target audience/demographic and providing interesting, useful, and entertaining content for them. Those of us who write for smaller brands can definitely learn a thing from these four in particular.

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October 11, 2013


October 10, 2013

The industry is abuzz once again related to an update by Google. Unlike it’s more nasty and mean spirited predecessors, the Hummingbird update is less of a concern and more of an enhancement. Driven by the evolving nature in which web users actually engage the Google search engine, the new algorithm will provide more insight in to what has long been called "Conversational Search". Focused on the undeniable migration of search being done more and more by mobile devices, Hummingbird will provide mobile users with a more useful return of results.

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October 8, 2013


October 7, 2013


October 2, 2013

Between the countless writing classes I took a bit too seriously in college, the time I've invested in my hobbies, and the past couple years I've spent freelancing and working for SEO companies, I've written a lot of blog posts. As a result, I've written on a lot of blog platforms.

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October 1, 2013

On October 1, 2013, Ken Wisnefski wrote an article discussing the new Google Hummingbird algorithm update and what it means for online marketers.

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October 1, 2013


October 1, 2013


Need an Expert Contributor?

Ken Wisnefski is a seasoned web entrepreneur and a frequent contributor to news outlets and business publications. Ken’s vast knowledge of how to make online businesses succeed has made him a sought after consultant from businesses wishing to improve their online initiatives. Contact pr@webimax.com to collaborate!


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