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Ken Wisnefski in America Latina Business Review on Lyfts recent $2.5 Billion valuation

Kenneth Wisnefski, March 16, 2015

Below is a translation of an article that appeared in America Latina Business Review:

According to Ken:

  • Tech start-up valuations can seem over-blown as of late, but in the case of companies like Lyft and Uber who are very clearly generating revenue from consumers and delivering something of value, these sky-high valuations are more than fair.
  • The mobile app transportation industry is still a fledgling industry – and while UBER is certainly the larger of the two companies operating in 55 countries, they are paving the way for the eventual competition from Lyft in those markets.
  • There is still a lot of space for Lyft to grow, and I suspect that their current valuation of 2.5 billion will get even bigger.
  • As the rate of mobile internet use grows and more consumers become aware of how easy it is to use these types of services, not only will the options increase for consumers, but the prices will go down – which will attract even more consumers.
  • Even though these companies are based on transporting people, with a fleet of drivers, we’ve seen them experiment with delivery, like UBER’s Essentials in Washington D.C., and Sidecar Deliveries in the Bay Area.
  • Though Lyft’s 2.5 Billion valuation appears to pale in comparison to Uber’s $41 Billion, transportation network company supremacy is still anybody’s game.

Click Here to Read the Original Article


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Ken Wisnefski is a seasoned web entrepreneur and a frequent contributor to news outlets and business publications. Ken’s vast knowledge of how to make online businesses succeed has made him a sought after consultant from businesses wishing to improve their online initiatives. Contact pr@webimax.com to collaborate!


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