Showcase Your Brand's Sweet Offerings on Google+
admin, January 13, 2012
Should my brand be using Google+? That is a question posed to many SEO and online marketing professionals by business owners who are novices to online practices. Coincidentally, I read a post this morning, calling social's benefit to business into question. Google's social media platform is still very young; the passing of time will help us better assess its true value, but immediately, considering the platform allows for brand pages, it's another source for online marketing in the least.
Estimates and theories can only get your brand so far; maybe viewing the traction of other brands first is a good place to start. Fair enough? That makes sense, right? Why don't you keep track of how the Cadbury brand fares in using the Google+ platform?
Is your brand preparing to launch a new product or service? Such efforts could cut into your marketing budget, but your brand can use social media to facilitate a launch, such as the Cadbury brand did, saving money, but not cutting corners when it comes to exposure.
What I thought was additionally savvy was the leveraged dynamic between multiple social media sites. Cadbury has accumulated over 900,000 Facebook fans; the former using accrued fans to facilitate the success of the Google+ page launch. The process seems to be working well; the endeavor fielded over 500 likes and 181 comments and counting...
The cost of such a process has to be little to nothing (the cost of in-house resources uploading an image and orchestrating the Google+ page?). I encourage all business owners to track the development of this Cadbury campaign; take notes and consider using some of the same practices in your own efforts.
In addition, the new candy bar's wrapper is infused with Blippar technology, a new application for smart phones. Whoa, the Cadbury brand has been doing its homework; maybe they learned by surveying the trials of other brands; you can too!