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WebiMax Blog

Digital marketing tips and advice.

Increased Authority Through Enhanced Engagement

Bruce Rymshaw, July 18, 2012

Terms such as "domain authority" and "page authority" are part of the everyday vernacular in the Internet marketing industry, but what do they mean for online business owners?  As it pertains to visibility on the Web and greater revenue, they mean a lot.

Essentially, a website or page's authority is the prevalence it has in organic search engine rankings.  Higher authority correlates to more visibility and potentially, more conversions and sales.  In digital marketing, gaining said authority is a common goal of many campaigns.  In the past, that goal was achieved through efforts such as link building, content development and routine site maintenance. Today, however, social media is playing an increasingly important role and maximizing social engagement is gradually becoming a crucial part of marketing initiatives.

Greater Engagement
Companies that specialize in social media enhancement understand the value of networks such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter and Pinterest.  Friends, fans, likes and tweets provide much more than bragging rights for a business; they can also provide authority to individual pages or domains.  Additionally, social media is an effective platform for gaining brand recognition, which is valuable both on and offline.

Consumers spend a significant amount of time online searching for brands, local businesses or products that they like and sharing them amongst their peers.  This phenomenon has grown to worldwide proportions and has become a cornerstone of social media marketing.  Delivering content to users and offering products and incentives via social shares has proven to be impactful on the profitability and visibility of many brands.

Following Through
Once a greater social following has been established, it is important to encourage shares and feedback through social media outlets.  By creating a "call to action", businesses are more likely to gain more momentum in the SERPs and throughout the social space.

Social media is a long-term investment for a business.  Profiles must be carefully maintained and frequently updated.  However, a properly optimized social media presence is almost certain to increase authority and ensure success in the online marketplace.

Need an Expert Contributor?

Ken Wisnefski is a seasoned web entrepreneur and a frequent contributor to news outlets and business publications. Ken’s vast knowledge of how to make online businesses succeed has made him a sought after consultant from businesses wishing to improve their online initiatives. Contact pr@webimax.com to collaborate!


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