Copywriters Will Write for Your Brand's Attention
admin, February 22, 2012
Along with other bloggers and copywriters, I love to write. That's what I do. What do you do professionally? Search engine optimization providers partner with businesspeople in a variety of industries: medical, industrial, automotive, legal, and so on. Each client has their own respective areas of expertise, which may or may not overlap with my own. For instance, while lawyers are likely good writers, they may not have the time to invest in online marketing pursuits throughout their day; rather than write a blog post for their site, they'll approach SEO copywriting professionals, who can help with search engine optimization objectives.
I read a good post this morning by Rand Fishkin. He frowns upon the ongoing initiative of link buying and prods readers to consider buying blogs instead. I think the process could be highly successful if a brand can align itself with industry bloggers who would consider such a partnership.
It got me thinking of another SEOmoz post, written by Anthony Mangia, who suggests every in-house person write two blog posts per month. I champion his emphasis on producing great copy, but I think most would agree - not every person likes to write or is good at it. A more practical sentiment was relayed regarding at least having workers provide insight for blog posts; that might be more helpful, as I confessed as an SEO copywriter.
Another thing that struck me, reading the comments to Anthony's post, was the omission of other-than-textual content mentions. 'Content' takes the shape of a variety of online entities in modern times: blog posts, videos, infographs, podcasts, etc. What methods are best to inform your target market? A variety of online marketing methods exist, but are you listening to SEOs or your consumers? What variety of 'content' makes the most sense for your brand? For instance, a supplier of marble and granite tile may best inform its public through a library of videos; marble consumers make the purchase to aesthetically enhance their homes; it's a benefit to 'visualize' performed work before it's done in a consumer's home.
While a variety of content is at a brand's disposal, written content is still a necessity. In many cases, a company's written content is the main attraction of its site, informing the public about services, products, and the overall brand. Who's doing the writing on your site? Are you engaging your target market with your brand's copywriting? While you're hard at work, doing what you do, my team and I write each day, honing our own skills. I don't expect all brand execs to double as stellar writers; I expect brand execs to be good at what they do within their respective professions.
Would you like to communicate with your target audience through copywriting? Is writing not your strong suit? Does the thought of writing scare, intimidate, or bore you? I understand; we all do different things, making us unique and individual professionals. Don't come to me for help with your taxes; but, if you need written content, this copywriter will write for your brand's attention.