Google Announces +1 Button
John Borkowski, April 1, 2011
In an event for Google to introduce us to another social media feature, they have developed the “+1” button. Comparable to Facebook’s “Like” button, Google’s +1 allows web users to give their approval to any website, ad, video, photo, and even product they view online.
As of last Wednesday, March 30th, the +1 experiment is open for webmasters to join. Soon, those who receive approval (which should be any reputable web server) will notice a +1 next to their links in Google’s search engine results. A Google Profile is required to use +1.
When you +1 something, your name becomes associated with it as if you are giving the public your seal of approval that this is a good website, ad, or product to look at. This is much comparable to the Facebook like button where almost all websites have adopted it. +1 is expected to make its way on webpages faster than the like button did as Google also announced that it will help with analytics and websites that receive many +1’s are most likely to appear higher in search results. As of right now, at least you can sign-up to be notified when the experiment has ceased and +1 goes live.
“Using Google +1 will be like giving something on the web your personal endorsement. Similar to a Facebook “Like”, Google +1 enables you to give and receive recommendations from your friends. Unlike Facebook, you get this feedback right when you need it - in Google’s search results, AdWords and AdSense.” - Scott Witwer, Vice President of Technology & Chief Experience Officer at WebiMax