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Marketers Should Start to Incorporate Social Media in Ads

John Borkowski, February 8, 2011

As social media and online interactions continue to set the landscape for the “new era in marketing”, companies both small and large should start to incorporate their online assets into their television advertisements. As Super Bowl XLV set a new record for ratings with 111 million viewers on FOX Network, companies certainly had the set stage to show buyers they have new products and $3 million to advertise them with.

Not many, if any, of the ads did much to incorporate directing people to their Facebook or Twitter sites. Very few companies directed people to their websites either. This was very interesting to observe. It is very clear that social media is on the up-swing because some companies have started to make the switch to a lesser expensive advertising channel, but there are still many companies who have not embraced this. The limitless potential that Facebook and Twitter gives us to reach buyers directly should be more carefully discussed in the board rooms of many organizations.

One way that marketers could start to make the transition is to introduce viewers on television to a new product, and direct buyers back to their website or social network site to complete the advertisement. With this approach, companies can start to weigh their marketing campaigns differently, gearing their advertisements to both television and online. For example, Chrysler somewhat did this during the Super Bowl. After their ad displayed, people went to their website where they could re-watch the commercial. But that’s it. The story was not continued online. Companies can start to make the change. Now is as best a time as ever.

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Ken Wisnefski is a seasoned web entrepreneur and a frequent contributor to news outlets and business publications. Ken’s vast knowledge of how to make online businesses succeed has made him a sought after consultant from businesses wishing to improve their online initiatives. Contact pr@webimax.com to collaborate!


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