The iPad Could Increase Mobile Commerce: Is Your Business Ready?
WebiMax Contributor, March 7, 2012
With the announcement about the new iPad officially made, and the well-sought details regarding its attractive new specs and features finally revealed to the eagerly-awaiting public, it only makes sense for everyone to continue their speculations into what Apple will next be introducing to its many offerings of mobile device-related services.
What is the latest item on the rumor mill? It is about a new section in the company's App Store that will be titled "Catalogs." The purpose of this section will be to aggregate a host of other apps which in the past have appeared in categories like Lifestyle, according to a TechCrunch article that came out today. The article also reports that news about the App Store's new category came from a group of developers who had created the app Catalog Spree, which was moved from the App Store due to its similarities with the rumored new section.
Of course, the discovery of new apps in the App Store would be a great main benefit arising from the introduction of a "Catalogs" section. However, what many people are focusing on is the potential avenues for growth in mobile commerce; an App Store section like this could be one more step towards shopping for – and purchasing – physical items straight from a mobile device.
Apple already offers a nicely streamlined and well-managed mobile payment processing service for its own ecosystem, allowing users to make music, app, and in-app purchases on their Apple devices with great ease. Extending this to a service that would allow customers to make all types of purchases through their Apple devices would be a huge step forward in the world of e-commerce. Not only that, if the new iPad sells incredibly well – as it is expected to – this could provide ample opportunities for businesses, as well as Apple, to receive great benefits in profitability.
Of course, this is all conjecture for now. But, it definitely brings one question to the forefront: is your business ready for mobile commerce? With the increasingly-likely advent of the mobile purchasing of goods, all businesses should seriously consider the optimization of their websites for mobile accessibility one of the top priorities in their SEO campaigns.