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Ken talks the Internet of Things and Google's Brillo OS with Mobile Marketer's Michael Barris

Kenneth Wisnefski, May 29, 2015

Other analysts doubted that Brillo would eventually replace Android.

“Putting the Internet into phones has led the march to mobile’s dominance in the way people connect to the internet at least in the U.S.,” said Ken Wisnefski, founder and CEO of WebiMax. “Android is the dominant OS in smartphones, and it would be a mistake to talk about replacing it with anything.

“So from a simple marketing and branding perspective, I couldn’t see anything replacing Android in the short term, but when we talk about the Internet of things we are talking long-term and could be talking about a future where the Internet is in everything you can imagine and also some things you can’t,” he said.

The question that Google is asking with Brillo and Weave, the common language Google is developing between devices, is: How can the objects that people interact with be improved by being connected to and have an understanding of every other object?

“The full potential of mobile connectivity on Android enabled devices hasn’t been realized and people just barely understand the possibilities of Android devices when paired with IOT-enabled items,” Mr. Wisnefski said. “The learning curve puts any displacement of Android way off into the future.”


Brillo will definitely change the way Android is developed, but people are still going to want a device with an operating system such as Android capable of breaking down high-level data in a way they can understand.

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Ken Wisnefski is a seasoned web entrepreneur and a frequent contributor to news outlets and business publications. Ken’s vast knowledge of how to make online businesses succeed has made him a sought after consultant from businesses wishing to improve their online initiatives. Contact pr@webimax.com to collaborate!


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