Ken Wisnefski Quoted in Marketing Mag on Twitters 10,000k Character Proposal
Kenneth Wisnefski, January 12, 2016
Marketers everywhere felt a great disturbance in the Twittersphere last week. CEO Jack Dorsey confirmed the company is considering expanding its character limit from 140 up to a comparatively endless 10,000.
That likely won’t mean that tweets themselves become screeds that clog up visitors’ feeds. The way Dorsey described it, people will be able to attach longer blog entries to their Tweets, similar to Facebook notes or LinkedIn articles. Dorsey insists that “the majority of tweets will always be short and sweet and conversational!”
Still, Twitter users weren’t happy with the threat to Twitter’s sacred 140-character cap. On Wednesday after Dorsey’s announcement, #Twitter10k trended worldwide with the conversation taking a decidedly negative slant.
We rounded up what some of the experts had to say about why Twitter may make the move, even in the face of so much backlash.
Online marketer Ken Wisnefski, writing for The Street, was also in favour:
The way things are on Twitter right now, everything moves so fast; factors like catching the right trends, using the right hashtag or just finding the right time to do a promotional tweet are so much more crucial. For that reason, Twitter hasn’t generated much return for advertisers (my clients)… If Twitter becomes a more detailed platform, while it’s a huge derivation, could create a better marketing platform and scale ad revenue.
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