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WebiMax CEO Ken Wisnefski Announces Strategic Partnership with Newzar

John Borkowski, November 10, 2011

Kenneth C. Wisnefski, founder and CEO of the industry leading search engine optimization firm, announced today that WebiMax has entered in to a strategic partnership with Newzar, the first video news network targeted exclusively at on-line and mobile consumers.

“This partnership is a certain win-win for both companies, who are emerging at the top of their respective industries”, states Wisnefski who founded WebiMax in 2008. “Leveraging strategic partnerships has been a root for our business as it returns tremendous value especially for a fast growing company like WebiMax”.

Newzar (New York, NY), founded in 2010 by Entrepreneur Zev Shalev (former CBS News Executive), provides breaking video news on the go. The company is the first video news network targeted exclusively at on-line and mobile consumers. Industry research indicates that 35% of Americans own a smartphone and 87% access the internet on a daily basis on their mobile device.

“The demand for mobile news video on the go is surging as more and more Americans use their mobile devices each day to access the internet”, states Shalev. “Consumers today want to be in touch with the news wherever they are and Newzar gets video news to them wherever they are. The partnership with WebiMax allows us to leverage their enormous skill as the leading SEO firm to improve our video search rankings and provide our audience unparalleled insight into major internet news”, concludes Shalev.

“I thank Mr. Shalev and look forward to the lasting strategic partnership between WebiMax and Newzar”, states Wisnefski. “Our company continues to thrive in 2011 and we have entered Q4 with the most momentum and success WebiMax has ever had”, concludes Wisnefski.

Need an Expert Contributor?

Ken Wisnefski is a seasoned web entrepreneur and a frequent contributor to news outlets and business publications. Ken’s vast knowledge of how to make online businesses succeed has made him a sought after consultant from businesses wishing to improve their online initiatives. Contact pr@webimax.com to collaborate!


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