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Little Interest in Internet Among the Offline 15 Percent

Kenneth Wisnefski, September 27, 2013

On September 27,2013, Ken Wisnefski Founder & CEO of Webimax, was featured in an article posted on ecommercetimes.com. The article discusses the fact that although most people believe everyone, in this day-in-age, utilizes the internet for everything. An astonishing 15 percent of American adults remain offline.

When asked about the matter, Ken stated, "I think everybody assumes that everybody is online, and that is not always the case," Wisnefski added."

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Ken Wisnefski is a seasoned web entrepreneur and a frequent contributor to news outlets and business publications. Ken’s vast knowledge of how to make online businesses succeed has made him a sought after consultant from businesses wishing to improve their online initiatives. Contact pr@webimax.com to collaborate!


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