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All News is Local: Get Your PR Initiatives the Attention They Deserve

Greg Adomaitis, April 6, 2018

What do a store shelf and a news reporter’s email inbox have in common?

Both are filled to the brim with items being overlooked. It’s not intentional, but we’re in the age of information overload so some pitches fall by the wayside and products that show true promise gather dust. With the assistance of expertly-crafted media pitches and press releases created by dedicated WebiMax writers, your company’s digital marketing efforts will stand out in a crowd -- or on a store shelf or reporter’s inbox. Below, you’ll see how we can help you turn more heads.

Media Matters

Regardless of outlet and medium, news reporters today need to know more than “who, what, when, where and why.” They want to know if their audience is going to care about the topic they are reporting on and at WebiMax, we know how to convince them that your story is one worth telling. We don’t do click-bait here and our pitches to those in the news industry are always worthy of attention. If you have an innovative item hitting the market, are cutting the ribbon on a recently-completed business renovation, can offer insider insight on a major recent event or have accomplished any milestone in between, it’s time to let the world know. You’ll see that our CEO has frequently appeared as a guest on national television  shows as an expert on all things digital marketing; this is thanks to the public relations skills we have in-house and relationships we’ve developed with those in the news industry.

Pressing Forward

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “All news is local.” When working with WebiMax, we use online distribution services that see beyond geography and gets your press release out to the public. Many potential clients wonder if their announcement is “press release-worthy,” so to speak. When developing a topic for a press release, writers who are already familiar with your company and its services will be part of the back-and-forth. This way, your input on the final product is boosted by the writer’s knowledge on how to logically present a compelling and informative press release. Everything from company statements on timely topics to recent awards your company has won or new partnerships you’ve established can be presented in a release and -- most importantly -- easily found on the web.

Request a Quote
A team of writers goes into action when you decide to work with WebiMax for your integrated media and PR needs. Once you’ve approved the final draft of the pitch, we’ll send the announcement out to thousands of mass media recipients both at the local and national level. Moreover, an attention-grabbing release will soon have you being seen as an authority in your respective field. We encourage you to contact us to learn more about our PR & Media services!

Need an Expert Contributor?

Ken Wisnefski is a seasoned web entrepreneur and a frequent contributor to news outlets and business publications. Ken’s vast knowledge of how to make online businesses succeed has made him a sought after consultant from businesses wishing to improve their online initiatives. Contact pr@webimax.com to collaborate!


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