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What's the Point of my Blog? A Recent Study Responds

Sara Klemowitz, March 13, 2014

You know what they say: Time flies when you're trying to keep up with SEO best practices and Google's tricky, ever-changing algorithms…or something like that. When you've been in the SEO game for several years, you grow accustomed to certain strategies going as quickly as they came, and you're probably always keeping your eye out for the latest and greatest practices. Wanting to stay on top of the game is a good thing, especially when it comes to content creation. That being said, just because new opportunities are always breaking into the scene, it doesn't mean that oldies can't be goodies.

I'm referring to the fact that I've heard a lot of people recently – from clients to acquaintances with businesses – asking, What's the point of my blog? People tend to worry that the adjectives "old" and "good" are mutually exclusive in terms of SEO practices. However, company blogs aren't "old" like a 25-year-old at prom; they're "old" like an employee whose strong work ethic will never allow them to be fired. The State of Inbound Marketing Report of 2013 has my back on this one.

According to the study, in 2013, 82% of marketers who blogged on a daily basis saw an ROI for their blogging. This statistic alone should answer the question – your blogging efforts are responsible for conversions! It isn't time to ditch your inbound efforts just yet. In other terms, 79% of companies that have blogs had a positive ROI for their inbound marketing efforts, as opposed to 20% of companies that did inbound marketing without a blog. The fact of the matter is that if you're going to utilize inbound marketing – and that includes new and fancy strategies – you had better have a blog.

Even if you don't have the time, budget, or manpower to blog on a daily basis, 57% of bloggers who posted on a monthly basis saw an ROI.

A lot of people will argue, however, that blogging still isn't worth the time and/or manpower it takes to maintain. Consider this: 43% of marketers generated a customer via their blog in 2013. However, it takes only 9% of marketers' working hours and 7% of their budget.It's one of the cheapest ways to advertise for your company – and it's relatively successful.

Whether you've hired an SEO company or you're marketing from within, the numbers are right in front of you; if your site isn't already equipped with a relatively active and content-rich blog, you're missing out on some huge opportunities. If you've been considering getting rid of your blog, or aren't dedicating a significant portion of your marketing efforts to maintaining it, it's time to reconsider.

Need an Expert Contributor?

Ken Wisnefski is a seasoned web entrepreneur and a frequent contributor to news outlets and business publications. Ken’s vast knowledge of how to make online businesses succeed has made him a sought after consultant from businesses wishing to improve their online initiatives. Contact pr@webimax.com to collaborate!


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