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Digital marketing tips and advice.

Use Proper, SEO Campaign Lines of Communication

admin, March 16, 2012

I recently had a business concern with my cellular phone provider.  I took it upon myself to contact corporate headquarters.  I want to be heard.  Unfortunately, it took weeks and several actions to get the result I was working toward.  At first, I used emotion and frustration to cloud my logic.  If I sought the proper channels first, things would have progressed in an expedited fashion.  Such a dynamic is related to a client's SEO campaign.  Established channels are there to ensure the service supplier's company runs smoothly as well as attends to client matters in the most efficient manner.  Consider the following search engine optimization campaign suggestions.

The Size of the Firm

SEO firms come in all shapes and sizes.  Just because a firm offers one to a few experts does not mean it lacks insight or resources to help.  Conversely, a big firm with a lot of resources does not necessarily designate 'quality' performance.  Consider size when choosing a firm; the size of the firm will shape proper channels of communication.

For instance, if you desire regular, close communication, you may want to seek a small SEO outfit, perhaps one with a small number of workers.  Small firms may only address a few clients at one time, allowing for regular, intense communication.  In another instance, a client may address a number of SEO-related tasks in-house, only needing a provider for a few implementations, implementations requiring little micromanagement.  Regular interaction with a provider may stymie your company's respective day-to-day activities.  Consider the size of the sought firm beforehand; it makes a communicative difference.

Point of Contact

Some search engine optimization providers assign clients with a point of contact (usually a project manager). However, the point of contact may depend on a provider's organization.  Some have assistant project managers, some allow for direct communication with designers, writers, link builders, and so on.  Adhering to the agreed dynamic benefits both the provider and the client.  You don't want to end up frustrated (like me regarding my cellular phone provider).  Lines of communications are put in place to benefit all.  We all feel personally important; providers think all clients are important; yet, proper lines facilitate order.

Ensure you, and the SEO provider, clearly illustrate proper points of contact before the start of the campaign.  More importantly, ensure you (and the provider) are faithful to established agreements.  Otherwise, miscommunication may rear its ugly head into the relationship; no one wins in that scenario.

Are you currently seeking search engine optimization resources and services?  Are you at least curious?  Direct your attention to our WebiMax contact form to learn more about our services and potential partnership with you.

Need an Expert Contributor?

Ken Wisnefski is a seasoned web entrepreneur and a frequent contributor to news outlets and business publications. Ken’s vast knowledge of how to make online businesses succeed has made him a sought after consultant from businesses wishing to improve their online initiatives. Contact pr@webimax.com to collaborate!


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