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Is Your Local Store Married to the Mob?

admin, December 27, 2011

No, I'm not suggesting spending your local store's dollars in exchange for "protection," but urging local owners to facilitate more inspection by local consumers.  The dynamic of a local owner is interesting.  On one hand, the disadvantage of a limited budget and larger competition is apparent.  However, local owners have the ability to secure lasting relationships with members of their target market, who live in the store's vicinity.

The 99ers

If you've been off the planet this past season, you've missed the multiple "occupy" movements taking place all over the country.  A disgruntled public seeks larger equality regarding financial security of the population; the 99ers are prone to support "the little guy," some going great lengths to buy "local."

Cash Mobs

I know those living in the Philadelphia region have heard of "flash mobs," the phenomenon of people, leveraging social media to meet in large numbers.  However, extract negative, unruly sentiments and exchange them for good, consumer-based intent, and you got yourself a "cash mob."

It seems like consumers, in the wake of the "occupy" movements, and still holding 99er sentiments, are fueling local economies and having fun doing it.  One consumer, quoted in the New York Times article, explains the inertia behind cash mobs: "We want to support local businesses that employ people and build wealth in the community."

Is Your Local Business Supporting the Supporting Sentiments?

It's my understanding that flash mobs had good intentions at inception; it was a fun way for people to meet at a single location and enjoy company.  I think consumers are willing to adopt the original sentiment again.  What is your local business doing to facilitate social media matters?  Are you engaging in social media?

A local blogger organized the cash mob chronicled in the Times article but you can be the author of your own fate.  Have you considered orchestrating a cash mob?  We learned last week consumers engage small business on social platforms, most desiring coupons and discounts from vendors.

Are you hosting a sale, releasing a new product/service, or desire more popularity within your community?  Have you considered accumulating a social media list, creating the potential to form your own cash mob?  Social media platforms, such as Twitter, are getting more business-centric all the time.

More brands are finding leveraging social media is advantageous, creating more exposure and revenue.  Get more diligent with your social media participation; there are mobs of opportunity out there.

Need an Expert Contributor?

Ken Wisnefski is a seasoned web entrepreneur and a frequent contributor to news outlets and business publications. Ken’s vast knowledge of how to make online businesses succeed has made him a sought after consultant from businesses wishing to improve their online initiatives. Contact pr@webimax.com to collaborate!


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