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WebiMax Blog

Digital marketing tips and advice.

Seounday Roundup 3-18-12

admin, March 18, 2012


Happy  Seounday!  I don't even parenthesize the "eo" anymore.  I'm pretty sure Webster's is admitting it in the next iteration (Did you hear about Brittanica?).  It was a good week for SEO firms, readers, and online marketing clients.  A lot of good information was produced from within the industry.  Let's get started.

Let's add a little mood music; here's some Johann Bach for your pleasure.

Our PR Manager, John Borkowski, often keeps contact with local and national reporters, offering WebiMax insight. Take a look at our press page.  CEO, Ken Wisnefski, and other executives often add to popular stories and topics.  Here are two from this past week:

Tech News World


Are you in the market for SEO services and a range of online marketing solutions?  Contact WebiMax to get started.  There's no initial obligation, just help.

ISEO – Do you know Ryan Buddenhagen?  He provides awesome clarification on international business strategies via our Casual Friday video with Todd Bailey.  He also writes about ISEO on a regular basis from the WebiMax SEO blog.

Chris Countey wrote another great post for us this week, regarding the definition and interrelationships (SE, SEO provider, client) of modern-day search.

Other Webi/SEOservices bloggers to read:

Jason Wersits gravitates toward social media, keeping his finger on the ever-so-often changes to the SMO landscape.

Bruce Rymshaw pens his SEO 101 posts regularly, giving new clients and interested parties tidbits of search engine optimization information in an easy-to-understand fashion.

I noticed Durba Chatterjee back in action this week writing about Pinterest, Facebook, and more.


Verse from across the SEO universe:

What Link Building Might Look Like in 2014

Friday Humor #Geek T-shirts for Everyone

No Such Thing as a Good Scraper

How Garbage Ranks in the SERPs

The Value in Wowing Your Customers

WSJ Says Big Google Search Changes Coming? Reality Check Time

The Five Most Powerful Words in Sales

The Reputation Elephant in the Room

Forecasts for Ad Spending Become Rosier

What The Bachelor Can Teach You About Hooking an Audience

The Brand of SEO and the Trend of Inbound Marketing

A Code of Conduct for Content Aggregators


Remember, SEO clients, the only silly SEO question is the one you don't ask.  Do you have a question about search engine optimization or online marketing practices?  Contact WebiMax.

Need an Expert Contributor?

Ken Wisnefski is a seasoned web entrepreneur and a frequent contributor to news outlets and business publications. Ken’s vast knowledge of how to make online businesses succeed has made him a sought after consultant from businesses wishing to improve their online initiatives. Contact pr@webimax.com to collaborate!


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